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Новости за 25.06.2015

Australia face tough, but familiar, foe in Japan


EDMONTON (Reuters) - After some tough physical battles en route to the last eight of the Women's World Cup, Australia will face a very different challenge against defending champions Japan in Saturday’s quarter-final.

Micron misses profit, revenue estimates due to lower chip prices


(Reuters) - Micron Technology Inc reported lower-than-expected quarterly revenue and profit, hurt by a fall in prices and lower demand for its chips used in personal computers, sending its shares down 7.8 percent in after-market trading.

Order of food during a meal may influence blood sugar


(Reuters Health) - Overweight and obese people with type 2 diabetes may feel better after a meal if they start it off with vegetables or proteins and end with the carbs, suggests a new study of 11 people.

Order of food during a meal may influence blood sugar


(Reuters Health) - Overweight and obese people with type 2 diabetes may feel better after a meal if they start it off with vegetables or proteins and end with the carbs, suggests a new study of 11 people.

EU's Schulz expects solution for Greece to be found in coming days


BERLIN, June 25 (Reuters) - European Parliament President Martin Schulz said on Thursday he did not believe Greece would leave the euro zone and that an agreement between Athens and its creditors would be found, though it may take a few days yet.

U.S. top court backs Obamacare, president says it's here to stay


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a conservative legal challenge that could have doomed President Barack Obama's healthcare law, upholding nationwide tax subsidies crucial to his signature domestic policy achievement.

U.S. top court backs Obamacare, president says it's here to stay


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a conservative legal challenge that could have doomed President Barack Obama's healthcare law, upholding nationwide tax subsidies crucial to his signature domestic policy achievement.

California lawmakers vote to limit vaccine exemptions for school children


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California lawmakers voted on Thursday to substantially limit vaccine exemptions for school children in the most populous U.S. state, an initiative prompted by last year's measles outbreak at Disneyland that sickened more than 100 people.

California lawmakers vote to limit vaccine exemptions for school children


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - California lawmakers voted on Thursday to substantially limit vaccine exemptions for school children in the most populous U.S. state, an initiative prompted by last year's measles outbreak at Disneyland that sickened more than 100 people.

OneWeb sets record launch plan after $500 million funding


MUMBAI/CAPE CANAVERAL (Reuters) - Privately owned OneWeb announced what it called the world's largest commercial rocket deal on Thursday after raising $500 million from a group of global investors to support its plans to bring broadband to billions of people via satellite.

UPDATE 2-Oil-rich Alberta lifts levy on carbon output, ups target for cuts


CALGARY, Alberta, June 25 (Reuters) - Oil-rich Alberta will raise the cost of greenhouse-gas emissions for large industrial plants and boost targets for emission cuts as its new government took action on Thursday to strengthen the Canadian province's environmental reputation.

Burwell says payment policies next push in Obamacare implementation


WASHINGTON, June 25 (Reuters) - U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said on Thursday the Obama administration will focus on improving quality over quantity in the nation's healthcare system in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

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Александр Розенбаум

Певец Розенбаум похвастался возрождением сети советских пивных в Петербурге

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Donald Trump to sue Univision for dropping Miss USA pageant: lawyer


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump, the billionaire real estate developer, is planning to sue U.S. Spanish-language TV network Univision for hundreds of millions of dollars for dropping coverage of the Miss USA pageant, which he partly owns, his lawyer said on Thursday.

Elder abuse may be more common than people think


(Reuters Health) - Elder abuse may be more common than is recognized, particularly among adults with dementia or other cognitive impairments, a research review suggests.

Elder abuse may be more common than people think


(Reuters Health) - Elder abuse may be more common than is recognized, particularly among adults with dementia or other cognitive impairments, a research review suggests.

No deal yet for Greece


Greece failed again to clinch a deal with its creditors, setting up a last-ditch effort on Saturday to avert a default next week amid fears of financial market turmoil. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Арина Соболенко

Арина Соболенко призналась в том, что не любит женский теннис


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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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Волочкова оправдалась за слитые в сеть снимки: «Ничем никого не удивишь»


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