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Новости за 24.06.2015

Actor Shia LaBeouf suffers head injury on film set


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Actor Shia LaBeouf was treated in a hospital after suffering a head injury when a stunt went wrong while he was filming in North Dakota, his publicist said on Wednesday.

Bobbi Kristina Brown in hospice, placed in 'God's hands'


(Reuters) - Bobbi Kristina Brown, the only child of late singer Whitney Houston, has been moved to hospice care and placed "in God's hands," five months after being found unresponsive in a bathtub, her family said on Wednesday.

Veteran Paes reaches century of doubles partners


LONDON (Reuters) - India's Leander Paes says chemistry is the most important factor when choosing a doubles partner and he should know, having now experimented with 100 different players.

Two Argentines sought by U.S. in FIFA scandal put under house arrest


BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentine businessmen Hugo and Mariano Jinkis, who are wanted by U.S. prosecutors as part of the FIFA graft investigation, on Wednesday were denied their request to fight extradition as free men and were placed under house arrest, legal documents showed.

EU quizzes e-retailers on sanctions against cross-border online sales


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU antitrust regulators have asked e-commerce retailers to spell out the kind of sanctions imposed on them for going against digital content companies' orders to restrict cross-border online sales, as part of a broad probe to root out anti-competitive online practices.

Exclusive - Swiss authorities examine FIFA grants in football probe: source


LONDON - (Reuters) - Swiss authorities are examining development grants made by FIFA around the world as part of their investigation into the sport's global governing body and its award of World Cup hosting rights for Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022, a source familiar with the probe said.

UPDATE 1-Proxy advisor recommends 'no' vote on Pacific Rubiales sale


CALGARY, Alberta, June 24 (Reuters) - Institutional Shareholders Services, an influential proxy advisory firm, is advising its clients to reject a planned C$2 billion ($1.61 billion) sale of Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp, a group representing a fifth of the Canadian oil company's shareholders said on Wednesday.

Музыкальные новости
Александр Розенбаум

Александр Розенбаум рассказал о дополнительном источнике дохода: "Не бомжовые заведения"

Персональные новости

В Московской области сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в краже дорогостоящего электрооборудования

France passes law to widen eavesdropping powers


PARIS (Reuters) - The French parliament passed a law on Wednesday giving the state intelligence services more latitude to eavesdrop on the public, amid outrage over revelations that the United States spied on the last three French presidents.

France passes law to widen eavesdropping powers


PARIS (Reuters) - The French parliament passed a law on Wednesday giving the state intelligence services more latitude to eavesdrop on the public, amid outrage over revelations that the United States spied on the last three French presidents.

Olympics- Rugby looks to take off in soccer-mad Brazil


RIO DE JANEIRO, June 24 (Reuters) - Claudio Souza was not sure what to do the first time a rugby ball was put in his hands in the Rio de Janeiro favela where he lives, a sign of the challenges the sport faces as it tries to grow in soccer-obsessed Brazil.

Rapper Rick Ross arrested near Atlanta on assault charges: officials


ATLANTA (Reuters) - Rapper Rick Ross and his bodyguard were arrested at his home near Atlanta on Wednesday on charges they kidnapped a man, beat him and threatened him with a handgun earlier this month at the rapper's mansion, authorities and media reports said.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Елена Рыбакина

Прямая трансляция матчей Рыбакиной и Путинцевой за выход в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

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