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Новости за 27.06.2016

Cowboys feel good about depth of their wide receiver group


When the subject of wide receivers has come up around the Cowboys this offseason, the conversation usually tilts to Dez Bryant’s recovery from a pair of surgeries and his prospects for turning in a healthier season than he had in 2015. Bryant isn’t the only wideout on the roster, however, and the Cowboys would like…

Serge Ibaka not playing for Spain in Olympics


Serge Ibaka is headed to the Magic, who will presumably give him a larger role. A productive season could lead to a huge payday in free agency next summer. The 2016 Olympics won’t get in the way of that. Ibaka won’t play for Spain in Rio, as translated by E. Carchia of Sportando. This opens […]

Aaron Hernandez friend pleads guilty to accessory charge in Odin Lloyd murder


Former Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was found guilty of murdering Odin Lloyd in April 2015 and sentenced to life in prison. One of the friends that helped Hernandez on the June 2013 night he killed Lloyd in Massachusetts is headed behind bars as well. Carlos Ortiz faced charges of first-degree murder and accessory to…

Refrigerator Perry is struggling, but says he’s happy


One of the best things about William “The Refrigerator” Perry, who took America by storm as a 300-plus pound rookie defensive tackle-turned-running back on the 1985 Bears, was his infectious smile. So maybe when he says he’s happy, we should all just be happy for him. “I’m home,” Perry told Rick Telander of Sports Illustrated…

Tony Grossi see Robert Griffin as “underwhelming” in offseason workouts


The Browns have yet to hand quarterback Robert Griffin III the starting job, because they want him to earn it. If he truly is required to earn it, the question now becomes whether he actually will. Tony Grossi of ESPNCleveland.com has covered the Browns for decades. He shared his assessment of Griffin’s first offseason with…

Carmelo Anthony says he’s recruiting Kevin Durant to Knicks


Kevin Durant reportedly eliminated the Knicks as an option in free agency. He has set meetings with six other teams – but not New York. None of that is stopping Carmelo Anthony. Marc Stein of ESPN: New York Knicks star Carmelo Anthony told ESPN on Monday that his recruitment of marquee free agent Kevin Durant […]

Saints still plan to hold training camp in West Virginia


At least one report has indicated that the Saints won’t hold 2016 training camp in West Virginia, following devastating flooding in Greenbrier County, site of the team’s practice facility for three weeks in each of the last two preseasons. The Saints, however, still plan to return to their home away from home. A source close…

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Блогерша Алена Водонаева заявила, что ей нравится сын рэпера Джигана

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Азербайджанский олигарх Год Нисанов – владелец рынков «Садовод» и «Фудсити» стремительно теряет поддержку элиты после теракта в «Крокусе»

Monte Kiffin, Wade Phillips win Paul “Dr. Z” Zimmerman award


In this week’s installment his weekly column for TheMMQB.com, Peter King took some time to update readers on how his former Sports Illustrated colleague and legendary football writer Paul “Dr. Z” Zimmerman is doing after suffering a series in strokes in 2008. Zimmerman, who lives at an assisted living facility in New Jersey, has unfortunately…

Report: 11-year-old LeBron James Jr. has scholarship offers from Duke and Kentucky


Ohio State coach Thad Matta has competition. More college teams pursuing him than just the Buckeyes are pursuing 11-year-old LeBron James Jr., whose talent is evident. Dave McMenamin and Brian Windhorst of ESPN: he already has standing scholarship offers from both Duke and Kentucky, according to a source These aren’t real scholarship offers. If LeBron […]

Saints haven’t officially moved training camp from West Virginia, yet


With devastating flooding in and around The Greenbrier in West Virginia, real questions have arisen regarding whether the facility will be ready to host the Saints for training camp, starting in late July. Gil Brandt of NFL.com has reported that the Saints will not be coming to West Virginia this year, and that they instead…

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