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Новости за 05.06.2016

Talib released from hospital after shooting, reportedly has “minor leg injury”


Broncos cornerback Aqib Talib has been released from a Dallas hospital after he was shot Saturday night, NFL Network’s Jeff Darlington reported Sunday. Rebecca Lopez of WFAA TV in Dallas reported that Talib was shot after a fight in V Live, a Dallas night club, and that Talib was taken to Medical City Hospital. Darlington…

Report: Aqib Talib hospitalized after being shot


Broncos cornerback Aqib Talib has been hospitalized after he was shot Saturday night, Rebecca Lopez of WFAA TV in Dallas reported Sunday. Lopez reported that Talib was one of three people shot after a fight in V Live, a Dallas night club, and that Talib is at Medical City Hospital. In 2011, Aqib Talib was…

Brandon Marshall won’t “steal” money late in his career


As receiver Brandon Marshall enters his 11th NFL season, he has applied a loose expiration date to his career. Specifically, he’ll quit playing before he feels like he should be wearing a ski mask. “Some players, they know they don’t got it anymore and their heart is not in it, and they still take the…

Yes, it’s the weekly PFT Live podcast reminder


I’m taking a non-vacation vacation for the next two weeks, with the only real change in my daily routine being that I won’t be hosting PFT Live through June 17. (Jon Stashower takes the reins, with assistance most days from Rob “Stats” Guerrera.) If you miss my mellifluous nails-on-chalkboard voice, you can listen all you…

Guaranteed money could be the sticking point on a Drew Brees deal


The Saints and quarterback Drew Brees could have (and maybe should have) worked out a new contract before the start of the new league year in March. An extension would have reduced the player’s $30 million cap number for 2016, and it would have ensured that Brees will remain in New Orleans for years to…

Report: Dolphins lining up backup plan for preseason finale


The Dolphins swear everything’s just fine, and that moving their preseason opener to Orlando had nothing to do with potential construction delays. But they’re apparently making a backup plan, just in case. According to Hal Habib of the Palm Beach Post, the Dolphins are looking at the possibility playing their preseason finale at Florida Atlantic…

Some coaches are concerned about security issues with tablet video


Panthers coach Ron Rivera recently expressed some concerns regarding the NFL’s seemingly inevitable embrace of the full capabilities of the Microsoft Surface tablet, making in-game video available to be scrutinized and dissected. There’s a separate concern that is making its way through the NFL coaching community. As one league source told PFT on Saturday, with a…

Titans emphasizing pocket awareness with Marcus Mariota


The Titans have seen quarterback Marcus Mariota become a more vocal leader of the offense heading into his second season and they hope to see other things change on the field. Mariota was sacked 38 times in 12 games last season and his chances of playing in every game in the years to come would be…

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Kelly says Buckner would’ve been the 49ers’ top pick no matter who was coach


When the 49ers used their first-round draft pick on DeForest Buckner, some saw it a sign of the influence of head coach Chip Kelly, who recruited Buckner to Oregon. But Kelly says the 49ers’ scouts were high on Buckner before Kelly was hired, and he believes the personnel department would have drafted Buckner no matter…

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"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

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Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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