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Новости за 22.06.2016

Fletcher Cox: Everybody on D-line excited about Jim Schwartz


When defensive tackle Fletcher Cox joined the Eagles as a first-round pick in 2012, he played in a 4-3 defense that employed some Wide 9 principles along the defensive line. The last three years saw Cox in a 3-4 after Chip Kelly replaced Andy Reid and Cox did well enough in that scheme that the…

Report: Hawks trading Jeff Teague to Pacers, who are sending George Hill to Jazz


Welcome to the offseason. The first blockbuster trade of the summer – sorry, Bulls and Pistons – is here. Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports: Atlanta is sending guard Jeff Teague to Indiana as part of a three-way deal, league sources tell @TheVertical. — Adrian Wojnarowski (@WojVerticalNBA) June 22, 2016 Three-way deal with Atlanta, Indiana and […]

Mark Sanchez says wealth manager invested “at least $7 million” without approval


Initial reports indicated that wealth manager Ash Narayan had invested without approval $30 million from three pro athletes he represented, including Broncos quarterback Mark Sanchez. An affidavit signed by Sanchez makes clear how much he personally lost. Sanchez say in the affidavit that he agreed to invest only $100,000 in the Ticket Reserve, a company…

Vernon Adams no longer thinking about NFL chances


Vernon Adams got a short look in a couple of NFL tryout camps. But now, the former Oregon quarterback is focusing on trying to make an impact in the CFL, as he’s learning the game as a member of the Montreal Alouettes. “I can tell you I am not worried about the NFL,” Adams said,…

Patrick Peterson: “J.J. Nelson’s going to have a great year”


With the offseason hay in the barn, it’s time to find out which young players popped in the now-completed OTA sessions. Cardinals cornerback Patrick Peterson, appearing on Wednesday’s PFT Live on NBC Sports Radio, was asked to provide a name of a player whom he thinks is poised to break out. “I got two of them,”…

Texas state senator sues Dez Bryant over rental home


A Texas state senator who has been both Dez Bryant’s attorney and his landlord is suing Bryant, claiming that Bryant trashed a rental home. Royce West, a state senator who represents a precinct in Dallas, filed a lawsuit against the Cowboys star last week, according to the Dallas Morning News. West says Bryant rented a…

Pro Football Writers honor Chris Mortensen


Chris Mortensen, the longtime ESPN NFL reporter who is battling throat cancer, has been recognized by his peers for his long and impressive career. Mortensen has been named this year’s recipient of the Dick McCann Award from the Pro Football Writers of America. The award goes to a member of the media whose coverage has…

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Elvis Dumervil: Terrell Suggs and I “can get what we need to get done”


The last time Ravens linebackers Elvis Dumervil and Terrell Suggs spent significant time together on the field, they combined for 29 sacks and the Ravens advanced to the postseason with a 10-6 record. That was in 2014 and last year saw Suggs lost for the season to a torn Achilles in the first game. Dumervil…

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