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Новости за 30.05.2016

Agent says Seantrel Henderson will be in Buffalo Tuesday


Tackle Seantrel Henderson hasn’t been around the Bills this offseason, but his agent Alan Herman says that will change on Tuesday. Herman spoke to Tyler Dunne of the Buffalo News in the wake of a report that the Bills didn’t know where Henderson was and haven’t heard from him since the end of last season.…

Manziel goes missing in New York (updated)


Unemployed quarterback Johnny Manziel recently arrived in New York for reasons entirely unrelated to attempting to become something other than an unemployed quarterback. According to the Page Six of the New York Post, Manziel has now gone missing. In a short blurb posted at the Page Six microsite, Manziel was supposed to take a helicopter…

Report: Lakers ‘aren’t that high’ on DeMar DeRozan


DeMar DeRozan sounds like he wants to re-sign with the Raptors, and Toronto wants him back. But what about those Lakers rumors? Kevin Ding of Bleacher Report, via Noah Coslov of Bleacher Report Radio: From @KevinDing with us @br_radio on #Lakers: “There’s a lot of presumption about Derozan and I’m told the Lakers aren’t that […]

Bills haven’t heard from Seantrel Henderson since season ended


As if the Bills didn’t have enough issues with the players who have shown up for offseason workouts, they apparently have one lingering issue with a player who hasn’t. Via Harry Scull Jr. of the Buffalo News, the Bills have heard nothing from right tackle Seantrel Henderson since the 2015 season ended. Henderson, the starting…

Earl Thomas enjoying healthy shoulder, more freedom in defense


Seahawks safety Earl Thomas spent much of last offseason rehabbing from shoulder surgery, something that he says kept him from getting into the best possible shape for the 2015 season. Thomas never missed a game last season, but was critical of some performances and told John Clayton on 710 ESPN there were “a lot of…

Upon Further Review: Coca-Cola 600


What to make of Sunday's Coca-Cola 600 and a look at which teams have gone the most to NASCAR's R&D Center for postrace inspection.

Warriors would show historic perseverance with Game 7 win over Thunder


The Warriors went an NBA-record 73-9. And the Thunder massively outplayed them in Games 3 and 4 of the Western Conference finals. No, Golden State wasn’t at full strength. But Oklahoma City reached a level the Warriors hadn’t all season. Even if Golden State had hit peak performance, I’m not sure that would’ve been enough. […]

Dion Jordan will apply for reinstatement Wednesday


Like so many of NFL players suspended for at least a year due to violations of the substance-abuse policy, Dolphins defensive end Dion Jordan has become both gone and largely forgotten. Jordan could soon be no longer forgotten, and also no longer gone. The third overall pick in the 2013 draft tells Tom Pelissero of…

John Mara changes his tune on Las Vegas


When the NFL’s owners got together in March, Giants co-owner John Mara sent an ominous message regarding a possible move of the Raiders to Las Vegas. In two months’ time, Mara has revised his position. Significantly. During the annual gathering two months ago, Mara said that “most owners” would view Vegas as a “non-starter.” Last week,…

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Суд отклонил иск против солиста Aerosmith Тайлера с обвинениями в насилии

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Bloomberg: Вашингтон изучает вопрос запрета на импорт российского урана

Third-round negotiations become the NFL’s “wild, wild West”


There’s a popular belief that rookie contracts under the 2011 CBA should take only five minutes. In one specific round, those talks are slightly more complicated. As explained by Ryan O’Halloran of the Florida Times-Union, the third round has become what one agent calls the “wild, wild West.” For reasons not entirely known, the current…

Masai Ujiri: Raptors No. 1 goal is to re-sign DeMar DeRozan


DeMar DeRozan sounds like he wants to re-sign with the Raptors. But does Toronto want to give max money to someone who 39% from the field and 15% on 3-pointers in the playoffs? Raptors general manager Masai Ujiri, via James Herbert of CBSSports.com: Masai Ujiri: “Our No. 1 goal is to bring DeMar back here.” […]

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