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Новости за 01.05.2016

Bears release Antrel Rolle


The Bears took three defensive backs during the final day of the draft on Saturday and it appears those rookie additions to the roster were a precursor to a veteran deletion. Adam Schefter of ESPN reports that the Bears have released Antrel Rolle and Rolle has tweeted a farewell to Chicago. Rolle signed a three-year contract with…

Su’a Cravens listed as a safety


After Su’a Cravens was drafted by the Redskins in the second round of the draft, he said that the late Sean Taylor was his all-time favorite safety and hoped that he would “be half as good as” one of his predecessors in the organization. Cravens’ link to Taylor will go beyond just sharing an employer.…

Lions “followed through” on Bob Quinn’s goal of getting tougher up front


The last time the Lions took a total of five offensive and defensive linemen in a draft was in 1989, when the proceedings lasted for 12 rounds. It’s a seven-round affair these days, but the Lions were able to match that figure because General Manager Bob Quinn made improving the group in the trenches a…

Bradford could blow starting job if he stays away too long


Sam Bradford remains an Eagle. He also remains the team’s starting quarterback. One of those things could change in time — and not the one Bradford wants to change. Comments from coach Doug Pederson make it clear that, at some point, Bradford’s absence will affect his status at the top of the depth chart. “Anybody…

Jaguars sign nine undrafted free agents


The Jaguars loaded up on defensive players in the draft by using six of their seven picks on that side of the ball. They announced a group of undrafted free agent signings on Sunday that was more balanced. The team has signed nine undrafted rookies and five of them play on the offensive side of…

Subscribe to the PFT Live podcast now, please (but now)


Every Sunday (when I remember), I point out to the ProFootballTalk.com audience that there are more ways to get PFT content. Specifically, the podcast for the PFT Live radio show can be downloaded for free. The best way to download it is to subscribe to it. That way, you don’t have to remember to download…

Музыкальные новости

Певица Анциферова заявила, что уехавшие из России артисты мозолили глаза на ТВ

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DeAndre Hopkins looking forward to fewer double teams in 2016


Texans wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins played with four different starting quarterbacks and without a big threat at the other wideout spot, but still caught 111 passes for 1,521 yards and 11 touchdowns to help the Texans to the playoffs. The Texans have worked to remedy both of those issues this offseason. Brock Osweiler is the…

Browns sign son of Bruce Matthews to UDFA deal


The Browns signed former Texas AM center Mike Matthews after the conclusion of the draft. Matthews is the son of Hall of Famer Bruce Matthews. The Houston Chronicle reported that the Browns gave Matthews a $7,500 signing bonus on a three-year contract and guaranteed $2,500 of his 2016 salary. Those are big numbers for an…

Vernon Adams to get tryout with Seahawks


Former Oregon quarterback Vernon Adams played well in the East-West Shrine Game. Not well enough to get drafted. And not well enough to be included in the land rush of undrafted players who sign immediately after the draft. But well enough to earn a chance to attend a rookie minicamp and show what he can…

Bengals’ line coach decries “witch hunt” against his center


Many in Cincinnati hoped the Bengals would draft a center to replace the current starter, Russell Bodine. The Bengals’ offensive line coach doesn’t appreciate that. When reporters asked Bengals offensive line coach Paul Alexander whether fifth-round rookie guard Christian Westerman could move to center and earn the starting job, Alexander got angry. “You guys are…

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