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Новости за 10.05.2016

Tracy McGrady: Stephen Curry’s unanimous MVP shows NBA is ‘watered-down’


All 131 voters picked Stephen Curry for NBA MVP. But if you thought that would create a void of hot takery, don’t worry. Tracy McGrady is here to fill it. Tracy McGrady says Steph Curry’s unanimous MVP selection shows that the NBA is "watered-down" pic.twitter.com/EUnoNEZSha — Kenny Ducey (@KennyDucey) May 10, 2016 McGrady on ESPN, […]

Colts emphasizing pressure on defense this season


The Colts concentrated on the offensive line in the draft this year by picking four offensive linemen, a decision that comes as little surprise to anyone who saw them play last season. Emphasizing that side of the line left fewer assets to use to shore up a defense that also had its difficulties in 2015.…

Benfica sells teenager Sanches to Bayern for $40 million


Benfica is selling 18-year-old midfielder Renato Sanches to Bayern Munich for 35 million euros ($40 million), with the Bundesliga champion possibly spending an additional 45 million euros depending on performances.

Bengals sign third-rounder Nick Vigil


The Bengals announced the signing of third-round pick Nick Vigil Tuesday. Vigil figures as an outside linebacker with the Bengals and could get the opportunity to contribute immediately with Vontaze Burfict suspended at the start of the 2016 season. Vigil led the Mountain West Conference and was sixth nationally last season with 11.1 tackles per…

Packers add Marwin Evans to secondary


Safety Marwin Evans tried out for a spot with the Seahawks at Seattle’s rookie minicamp, but was not one of the five players to earn a spot on their roster when the session concluded. He didn’t have to wait long for a chance on anther roster. He didn’t even have to work out for another…

More owners seem to be warming to idea of Las Vegas Raiders


At least one influential owner, John Mara of the Giants, went on the record in March to say that, for most owners, putting a team in Las Vegas would be a “non-starter.” Another influential owner (or, in theory, possibly the same influential owner) has recently addressed the situation via off-the-record quotes, expressing both opposition to…

Panthers sign another of their drafted cornerbacks, Daryl Worley


The Panthers signed their third draft pick, who happened to be their third-rounder. Now they’re two-thirds of the way to signing all the cornerbacks they drafted. The team announced they had signed cornerback Daryl Worley to his rookie deal. He’s the second corner they took (behind second-rounder James Bradberry, who has already signed) as they…

Houston wants 10,000 free laborers for Super Bowl


It’s a Super Bowl tradition for the host city. The significant concessions made to the league’s owners in an effort to secure the game are balanced out by an effort to persuade thousands of ordinary citizens to provide unpaid labor. Houston is getting in on the act, seeking 10,000 volunteers to participate in the presentation…

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В Ульяновской области объявили победителей зонального этапа фестиваля-конкурса «Культура – это мы»

Lions sign A’Shawn Robinson, wrapping up draft class


The Lions’ entire 10-player draft class is under contract. Second-round defensive tackle A’Shawn Robinson signed today, the Lions announced. Robinson was the only player who hadn’t signed yet. Lions G.M. Bob Quinn said this week on PFT Live that the team was pleasantly surprised Robinson was still available with Detroit’s second-round pick, No. 46 overall.…

Danny Amendola practically couldn’t wait to take his pay cut


The Patriots are able to keep a talented cast around Tom Brady for many reasons, but right up there near the top has been their ability to get their players to assume the position. Wide receiver Danny Amendola was the latest to say “Thank you sir, may I have another,” taking a huge pay cut…

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Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

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Личка — о самой дорогой покупке в Москве: два дня назад решил купить самокат за 60 тысяч рублей

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