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Новости за 31.01.2016

Woody Johnson: Geno Smith has “the ability” if he sticks with it


When the Jets started camp ahead of the 2015 season, the expectation was that Geno Smith would be their starting quarterback. That expectation ceased to exist when IK Enemkpali punched Smith and broke his jaw during a locker room altercation that reportedly stemmed from a dispute over money Enemkpali felt Smith owed him. Smith missed…

Doug Martin: “You have to” give 100 percent in Pro Bowl


Buccaneers running back Doug Martin might be headed for free agency. But first he’s in Hawaii for the Pro Bowl, and Martin said this week he won’t be letting up when the pads come on Sunday night. “It’s a nice vacation setting but when it comes to playing the game, you have to go 100…

Ryan Clady “definitely willing to talk” about redoing contract


There are plenty of differences between this year’s Broncos and the team that lost the Super Bowl to the Seahawks at MetLife Stadium two years ago. One similarity is that left tackle Ryan Clady won’t be in the lineup come Super Bowl Sunday. Clady missed Super Bowl XLVIII with a foot injury and he missed…

Outside criticism of Cam a non-issue inside Panthers locker room


Much of the dead week between the conference title games and a some-star game that should die was spent talking about why Panthers quarterback Cam Newton gets criticized and whether and to what extent there’s a racial component to it. Inside the team’s locker room, however, it’s a non-issue. “We don’t even talk about it to…

Lions hire former Maryland, UConn coach Randy Edsall


Longtime college coach Randy Edsall is getting a job in Detroit. Edsall, who was fired as head coach at Maryland during the 2015 season, has been hired as the Lions’ director of football research/special projects. It’s unclear what, exactly, a “director of football research/special projects” does, but Edsall will presumably be an assistant to new…

NaVorro Bowman not concerned about effect of Kelly’s offense on defense


Chip Kelly’s three years as the Eagles head coach saw the team’s defense on the field for more plays than any other team twice and they finished second in the other season, which has led to complaints from some players about the impact that his uptempo offense has on the other side of the ball when…

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PFT Live lands in San Francisco for a full week of shows


Welcome to San Francisco, PFT Planet. (OK, I’m saying that figuratively. Unless you’re actually arriving to town right now. If so, welcome to San Francisco, PFT Planet.) PFT Live on NBC Sports Radio will be setting up shop on Radio Row at the Super Bowl for a full week of shows. And it will be…

As long as we watch it, the Pro Bowl will survive


Three years ago, it was the lack of willingness to play hard during the game. Now, it’s the lack of willingness to even go to the game. Whatever the malady afflicting the Pro Bowl, the NFL will find a way to fix it, as long as one dynamic continues: People watching the game on TV.…

DeMarcus Lawrence has back surgery


The list of Cowboys needing offseason surgery has grown by one. Defensive end Demarcus Lawrence, who led the team with eight sacks in 2015, has had surgery to repair a back injury, via the Dallas Morning News. The condition, which didn’t prevent the 2014 second-round pick from playing, left him on the injury report for most of the…

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Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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