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Новости за 26.01.2016

Titans ownership issues trace to lack of clear succession plan


Neither the Titans nor the NFL will talk publicly about the ownership issues that have prompted “daily, weekly, monthly” discussions between the team and the league. Which made it slightly harder to find out the specific nature of the issue. Per a league source with knowledge of the situation, the dispute arises from the fact that…

NFL declines invitation to join MLB, USADA investigation over Al Jazeera report


Last month, Al Jazeera shocked the sports world with a report connecting multiple professional athletes to performance-enhancing drugs. For the NFL, the biggest name attached to the report belongs to Peyton Manning, whose wife allegedly received multiple shipments of HGH from the Guyer Institute in Indianapolis. The NFL has said it will investigate the situation,…

Batten down the hatches, there’s another Gronkowski on the way


Hide the women and children. There’s another Gronkowski on the way. This one, the baby of the family, is Glenn Gronkowski, a Kansas State fullback who is trying to impress NFL scouts at this week’s Senior Bowl. But he said he doesn’t talk much about the process yet with his big brother Rob, the Patriots…

Adam Jones, Cedric Peerman join the Pro Bowl fun


When last we saw Bengals cornerback Adam Jones on the football field, he was picking up a 15-yard penalty for making contact with an official late in the fourth quarter of what became a playoff loss to the Steelers a few minutes later when the gifted yards turned into a game-winning field goal. When we…

Agent: No timetable for Calvin Johnson decision


Shortly after the regular season ended, Lions wide receiver Calvin Johnson released a statement amid reports that he was considering retiring from the NFL. Johnson said he was “currently evaluating options for my future” and that he expected to make a decision about which option he plans to pursue “in the not-too-distant future.” That’s not…

Blues seek arena upgrades after departure of Rams


ST. LOUIS (AP) The St. Louis Blues want two local governments to renovate their city-owned downtown arena as part of a project that will also upgrade the city’s convention center and former home of its recently departed NFL team. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Blues officials and the St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission […]

Falcons adding Ruston Webster to personnel department, too


The Falcons are adding more experience to their personnel department with the addition of former Titans general manager Ruston Webster, a source told PFT. Earlier Tuesday the team added Phil Emery to its personnel department. Emery was the general manager of the Bears from 2012-14. Webster was fired earlier this month after four seasons as…

Jaguars want to accelerate Blake Bortles’ development


The Jaguars coaching staff is working the Senior Bowl, but their latest losing season wasn’t a total loss. They saw some good steps forward from quarterback Blake Bortles in his second NFL season. Bortles threw for 4,428 yards and 35 touchdowns while forming a strong partnership with wide receivers Allen Hurns and Allen Robinson in Greg…

Музыкальные новости
Григорий Лепс

«Я не джентльмен»: Лепс вновь объяснился за инцидент с телефоном фанатки

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Никол Пашинян

В ходе беседы у костра Никол Пашинян подчеркнул необходимость пропаганды здорового образа жизни

Falcons adding former Bears GM Emery to personnel staff


The Falcons are adding former Bears general manager Phil Emery to their personnel department, the Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported Tuesday. Emery, 57, was the general manager of the Bears from 2012-14. He was previously with the Falcons as director of college scouting from 2004-08. He left the Falcons after the 2009 draft, the second under general…

Report: Eagles, Brent Celek agree on three-year contract


The Eagles announced a contract extension for tight end Zach Ertz this week and it looks like he won’t be the only player at that position sticking around Philadelphia a while longer. Adam Caplan of ESPN reports that the Eagles have agreed to an extension with Brent Celek as well. Celek had one year left…

The better defense usually wins the Brady-Manning games


Tom Brady and Peyton Manning can do a lot on a football field, but most of the time, they can’t win a head-to-head battle unless they have the better defense on their side. In the 17 Brady-Manning games, the team with the better defense is 10-7, suggesting that — contrary to the media narrative suggesting…

Спорт в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»


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Андрей Рублёв

Рублёв победил Давидович-Фокину в 3-м круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде, отыгравшись с 0:5 на тай-брейке


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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Кличко не видел Зеленского с начала конфликта с Россией

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




МакSим о выступлении Трусовой под песню «Отпускаю»: «Как же мне приятно! Какой номер! Какой характер у этой девочки!»


Дмитрий Кокорев покинул пост главного тренера хоккейного клуба «Сочи»

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