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Новости за 18.01.2016

Kubiak didn’t consider benching Peyton, felt receivers were to blame


Although the Broncos’ offense had some long and ineffective stretches during Sunday’s win over the Steelers, coach Gary Kubiak says he never considered benching quarterback Peyton Manning. Kubiak said today that there was no reason to turn to backup Brock Osweiler, because the real problem the Broncos were having was that the receivers were dropping…

LB Brandon Marshall on Gronk: “He pushes off”


The 17th meeting between Tom Brady and Peyton Manning already has become the focal point of the AFC title game. But there will be plenty of other angles worth pursuing, especially since it’s highly unlikely that Brady and Manning will be on the field at the same time. Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall and Patriots tight…

New Titans’ GM welcomes calls about No. 1 pick


The Titans and new general manager Jon Robinson are on the clock. At least until they aren’t. Robinson used his introductory press conference Monday to let it be known that the No. 1 pick in the 2016 Draft is up for auction. “We will look at any and all offers that come this way,” he…

Titans’ 2015 OC staying on as QB coach


After two years as offensive coordinator, Jason Michael will be the Titans quarterbacks coach. That news came from the Titans press conference Monday, where new general manager Jon Robinson and head coach Mike Mularkey were formally introduced. Mularkey, who served as the interim coach after the firing of Ken Whisenhunt last season, said nothing else…

Ron Rivera trying to protect players from flaming death


The Panthers survived the Seahawks. Ron Rivera wants to make sure they survive moving back and forth at work. According to Bill Voth of Black and Blue Review, Rivera said he had banned hoverboards for players while they’re at work, in an effort to keep everyone safe. “Did you see those things on YouTube blowing…

Broncos will place Bolden on IR


The knee injury suffered by Broncos defensive back and punt returner Omar Bolden will end Bolden’s season, Broncos coach Gary Kubiak told reporters Monday. The Broncos will place Bolden on injured reserve and decide over the next couple of days how to replace him on the roster. Bolden had an MRI Monday but will not…

After losing in real estate, Matt Stover hopes Rams compensate players


With all the big dollars being thrown around in the Rams’ move to Los Angeles, it’s easy to overlook the cost being paid by those with far less at stake — the Rams players. While teams are responsible for moving costs and relocation expenses under the collective bargaining agreement, the Rams are also faced with…

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Красноярцы и Джиган рассмешили Артемия Лебедева и вышли в финал «Звезд»

Персональные новости

Google вложит 2 миллиарда долларов в дата-центр в Индиане

Eagles make Pederson hiring official


The Eagles made it official Monday afternoon, announcing the hiring of Doug Pederson as the team’s new head coach. Pederson spent the last three seasons as the Chiefs offensive coordinator. He was the Eagles quarterbacks coach in 2011-12. The team decided on Pederson last week but had to wait for the Chiefs season to end…

Roman Harper says Marshawn Lynch cracked his helmet


Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch can still deliver a wallop. Lynch, who may have played his last game in a Seahawks uniform in Sunday’s loss to the Panthers, was involved in a collision with Panthers safety Roman Harper that left a crack in Harper’s helmet. Harper posted an Instagram video showing off the crack and…

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Ключевой аспект успеха: как построить долгие и хорошие отношения с клиентом

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Кличко не видел Зеленского с начала конфликта с Россией

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Концерт «7 хитов И.С.Баха» в Эрмитажном театре


Есть ли время? Вирусолог назвал срок спасения после укуса энцефалитного клеща

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