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The present and future of Cloud Architecture via Programming Assignment Help

The origin of cloud architecture initiated by sticking out close to similar concepts from on premier architectures. This lead too many of laaS based solutions, where all the web servers were just shifted to the cloud in form of a virtual machine, but still they are running the exact same solution and hence using the same architecture. Although there is seriously nothing wrong with this approach of lift and shift, this type of cloud architecture has its own drawbacks. Only a small portion of benefits could be achieved by it because you are not creating primarily for the cloud, but adapting to the cloud. Computer science students who need to learn more about cloud architecture and computing and its practicality can look for programming assignment help.

There is much more of cloud flexibility around in the number of ways in which we can combine various types of cloud services to create an overall architecture structure. Such services can also save some data, streaming an online video, performing a total calculation. All these aspects of the functionality of cloud service are offered as native components of cloud and are essential building blocks for the whole solution of architecture. If there is one huge trend going on right now in the cloud industry, it is that big cloud services enable its users to create their own building blocks with a certain amount of functionality that they desire. These building blocks vary in different parameters and sizes. However, you must notice two different trends that are going on for a while in the technology of cloud computing.

A whole building block for a single function: The first trend of the cloud computing is to break down the whole process in possible building blocks, where you assign a single building block for a particular function as a standalone component. From the address of that building block, you can retrieve, reuse or scale the whole function. This is known as function as a service (FaaS). However, this concept of creating an architecture based on a single block is not new and it is already known as Service-based architecture. Student’s faces difficulties while creating a building block for their project based on cloud computing, although they can take assignment help.

Configure the whole block for an entire application: The other side of the story about building blocks is when you have a series of components which are hard to separate from each other. For instance web portals and services which are dependent on particular function or software in the same environment. It is basically like a certain operating system which has a certain service pack installed in the system or available in particular libraries. In such cases, you can always develop a building block by adding up all stream of components that are dependent on each other and storing the whole series of a component inside a container.


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