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Too Hot to Handle: Chloe Shares Creepy Messages She Got After Show


Too Hot to Handle's British heartbreaker, Chloe Veitch is calling out some psycho fans for their creepy messages about drinking bathwater.

Chloe Veitch, from reality show Too Hot To Handle is one of Netflix's hottest new stars. With her beautiful hazel eyes and quirky British personality, Chloe was featured frequently throughout the new series. It seems that some of fans went a bit far with their obsession with the show.

Chloe often displayed an unpredictable personality while on the show. Much to her party-girl persona, she fostered and ended three different romantic relationships. Needless to say, Chloe gained quite the notoriety as the show's lone heartbreaker. But it seems like this trend has awkwardly carried on to her real life.

Related: Too Hot To Handle: Aussie Harry Jowsey Won A Dating Show In 2018

In an interview with Page Six, Chloe revealed a really cringy message she received post-show from a lovestruck fan, "I've actually also had someone message me, asking to drink my bathwater, like my bathwater. I'm not a dirty person so I'm sure that you wouldn't catch anything from drinking my bathwater. But I mean that's pretty weird." It's safe to say Chloe does not go for that type of stuff. But hey there might be plenty of money to be made should she consider such an endeavor.

In any case, she further claims to not have any regrets about her time as the show anti-Cupid. But certainly, her castmates will beg to differ. Originally, Chloe shacked up with buff Tom Holland lookalike, David Birtwistle. The two featured raunchy highlights such as a date where he sucks chocolate off of Chloe's fingers. But the couple, unfortunately ended on a rather harsh note with David wanting more and Chloe shutting him down on live television.

Next, she fell for new contestant Bryce Hirschberg. Initially, he captured Chloe's interest through his American swagger and somewhat awkward serenading. But her feelings dissipated quickly after the couple's first kiss proved non-serendipitous for Chloe. Although, her worst relationship of all directly proceeded after this disaster. Chloe ironically falls head over heels for series bad boy Kori Sampson. But in a twisted sense of karma, an uninterested Kori instead pursued the already taken Francesca Farago. This was revealed to Chloe as Lana spilled the beans in front of the group. Much to Chloe's frustration, she subsequently nixed Kori's future with her.

But some of the fans, understandably, saw Chloe's downfall with Kori as justified considering that she had passed up on two guys who genuinely had liked her. Moreover, now it appears Chloe just can't get away from incompatible men that aim to please her. In fact, any person that has an interest romantically with her should observe that aiming to please her is a tried and failed formula. If anything is certain for fans that are crushing on Chloe Veitch, maybe it's best not to fall too hard for her - but definitely do not ask to drink her bathwater.

Next: How Instagram Influencers Like Too Hot To Handle's Francesca Farago Make Money

Too Hot to Handle season 1 is available to stream on Netlfix.

Source: Page Six



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