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Новости за 01.03.2024

Give Your Bedroom the Spring Refresh It Deserves


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Creating a comfortable and stylish bedroom can instantly improve the quality of your rest and relaxation. From substantial items like an upholstered queen size bed frame that offers extra storage space, to the comforts of a high-quality, queen-sized mattress featuring superior sleep technology, the right purchases can…

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City of OKC: New building codes go into effect March 1


The City of Oklahoma is asking residents to keep in mind new building codes go into effect today, March 1. All construction projects submitted after March 1 must reference and comply with these new codes.

Missouri AG Launches Investigation of Planned Parenthood for Trafficking Minors in Out-of-State Abortions


The attorney general of Missouri is suing Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States, for “trafficking minors out of state to obtain abortions without parental consent.” “This is the beginning of the end for Planned Parenthood in the State of Missouri,” Attorney General Andrew Bailey said in a statement posted on X, […]

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Mostly clear tonight, warming up more tomorrow


What We’re Tracking The cloud cover we saw overnight last night has finally dissipated. Temperatures drop down into the upper 30s and lower 40s tonight. Highs tomorrow climb into the middle 70s. High fire danger persists into the weekend with our windy, dry, and warm conditions. Relative humidity values can fall below 20 percent for [...]

To Drive Macro Business Changes, Think Micro


How do you turn a ship when thousands of tons of water are pressing on the rudder creating a force far greater than the ship's engines can withstand? This was the seemingly impossible challenge solved by the wonderful engineer, Buckminster Fuller, in the 1940s. The answer was something surprisingly small. A six-inch piece of metal,...

If Tom Brady Could Change One Game In NFL History, It’s This One

New England Sportd Network: World Cup 

You would think with seven Super Bowl rings, Tom Brady wouldn’t have many regrets in his NFL career. But there’s one loss that seemingly still eats away at him. Episode five of “The Dynasty” docuseries on Apple TV+ looks at the Patriots’ undefeated regular season run during the 2007 campaign. The offense arguably was the […]

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Юрий Лоза

Юрий Лоза объяснил, почему Чулпан Хаматова критикует Россию

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«Спартак» лидирует по очкам с командами из первой половины РПЛ

Wonka Experience Organizers Deliver Devastating Apology


The Daily Beast/Willy'sChocolateExperience/Twitter

There’s nothing the internet loves more than an absolute shit show, and this week, a cartoonishly under-realized “immersive event” affiliated with the Timothée Chalamet Wonka film, located in bleak, industrial Scotland—truly, the setting couldn't have been more perfect—delivered the goods, and then some.

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Спорт в России и мире

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Новости тенниса

Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000


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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Поездам прибавляют ходу // Как может сократиться время пути от Москвы до курортов на Черном море

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Трофимов

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ


Памятную доску герою ВОВ Леониду Виноградову открыли в Мытищах

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