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Prince William Ambushed With Get Well Cards for Kate and Charles


Alastair Grant/Getty Images

Prince William was handed get well soon cards for his wife and father by a well-wisher Thursday as he made his first in-person appearance since Kate revealed her cancer diagnosis. The prince appeared to be taken aback by the gesture, and, swiftly changed the subject, alighting on a pan of spaghetti hoops as a convenient conversational prop.

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Jawbone of Long Dead U.S. Marine Found in Kid’s Rock Collection


Ramapo College of New Jersey

Capt. Everett Leland Yager of the U.S. Marine Corps was 30 years old when he embarked on a military training exercise back in California in 1951, and it’s fair to say the World War II vet probably had a lot of ideas about how he wanted to be remembered by his wife and two children should he be killed during his service. Full military honors, perhaps a somber memorial. A burial site where future generations could remember him.

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Taylor Swift Is Spending Her Album Release Week Goofing Off


Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty Images

Taylor Swift’s highly anticipated new album, The Tortured Poets Department, drops this Friday. But given the somewhat scattered LP rollout thus far, you’d be forgiven for wondering just what exactly has been running through the pop star’s mind in terms of strategy this time around.

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Музыкальные новости
Григорий Лепс

Лоза о ситуации с Лепсом и фанаткой: он повел себя вспыльчиво и импульсивно

Персональные новости

Выставка мультографики «Сны смешного человека» откроется в Пскове

Guy Ritchie Seems as Bored by ‘The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare’ as We Are



Guy Ritchie loves movies about rough-and-tumble bros—or, rather, blokes—and at its best, his work generates amusing excitement from having tough guys band together to complete intricate and daring action-adventure missions. The director’s cinema is one of attitude and flair, and over the course of his prior three features (Wrath of Man, Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre, The Covenant), he’s moved confidently between stern and silly modes, all while maintaining the rugged swagger that has long been his trademark. Читать дальше...

JoJo Siwa Doesn’t Know She’s the Butt of the Joke


Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty Images

It’s always a little sad when someone doesn’t understand that everyone’s laughing at them, not with them. You kind of want to tell them about the behind-the-scenes giggles, but then if you do tell them, you have to see the sad look reach across their eyes. The final option is to simply go along with the crowd, performing the scandalous act of giggling in secrecy, all at someone else’s expense. That’s what I—along with most of the... Читать дальше...

Christian Slater Is an Epic Bloodthirsty Ogre in New ‘Spiderwick Chronicles’


Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Roku

The past few years have brought harrowing stories of streaming platforms shelving completed projects as tax write-offs. This time, at least, there’s a happy ending for the YA series The Spiderwick Chronicles, which was originally made for Disney+, only to be scrapped as a cost-cutting strategy and sold to Roku instead.

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Kim Kardashian Meets Roman Polanski(?!) in ‘American Horror Story: Delicate’


Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/FX

Watching the episode of American Horror Story: Delicate where Kim Kardashian was suspiciously missing from and when my family dog died: the two worst days of my life so far. Luckily, a third awful day will not be added to that list, as Kardashian’s character has returned to AHS: Delicate after last week’s drought. Suddenly, everything is right in the world again, at least for the 29 minutes of the one-hour time slot where the show was actually playing. Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

РМОУ презентовал издательский проект «Притяжение Сочи» на форуме «Мы вместе. Спорт»


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Хачанов объяснил, почему снялся с турнира ATP 500 в Барселоне


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Поможем природе вместе — творческий конкурс экоподелок «Турбозавров» и детского познавательного телеканала О!

Путин в России и мире

Рязанские дизайнеры представили свой бренд одежды на модном показе Estet Fashion Week

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Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

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