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Public urged to join fight for Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

Voice of America 

sydney — Analysis of more than 25,000 images from divers, tourism operators and recreational boats on Australia’s annual Great Reef Census is getting under way. Now in its fourth year, one of the world’s fastest-growing conservation projects is helping to gauge the health and degradation of the world’s largest coral system, which is suffering from another mass bleaching event. The Great Reef Census collects a trove of images of what is arguably Australia’s greatest natural treasure. Each picture... Читать дальше...

British officials charge 2 with spying for China

Voice of America 

Washington — British officials formally charged two men Friday with spying on behalf of China in the latest in a series of European arrests of suspected Chinese intelligence agents. The two men, Christopher Cash and Christopher Berry, were charged with violations of the Official Secrets Act by "providing prejudicial information to a foreign state, China” between 2021 and February 2023. Their arrests on Monday occurred at the same time that German authorities arrested three people suspected of... Читать дальше...

Iran Risks Further Backlash for Death Sentence of Dissident Rapper, Says German MP

Voice of America 

Washington — Iran's handing of a death sentence this week to dissident rapper Toomaj Salehi has drawn outrage from the Islamic republic's domestic and international critics, including a German lawmaker who says Tehran risks fueling the backlash if it moves toward executing the artist. In an interview for the Friday edition of VOA's Flashpoint Global Crises program, German parliament member Ye-One Rhie said the Iranian government is using the death sentence to monitor who is still reacting to developments... Читать дальше...

Gaza war protests expand across university campuses in U.S.

Voice of America 

Students protesting the Israel-Hamas war are digging in at Columbia University and inspiring more and more demonstrations at university campuses across the United States. The protests are causing rising tensions on all sides of emotionally charged issues that have leadership at institutions facing a delicate balance to encourage free speech while protecting students.

Strike on Iraq gas complex kills 4 Yemenis  

Voice of America 

Sulaymaniyah, Iraq — Four Yemeni workers were killed Friday in a drone attack on an Emirati-owned gas complex in Iraq's northern autonomous Kurdistan region, local authorities said.   The Khor Mor complex owned by the United Arab Emirates firm Dana Gas has been hit several times in recent years, but Friday's drone strike was the first deadly attack.   "Four Yemeni workers were killed and the field was severely damaged," Kurdistan regional government spokesperson Peshawa Hawramani said.    He... Читать дальше...

Security firm says missile fire seen off Yemen coast in Red Sea

Voice of America 

jerusalem — Missiles suspected to have been fired by Yemen's Houthi rebels on Friday damaged a ship traveling through the Red Sea, authorities said.  The attack followed an uptick in assaults launched by the Houthis in recent days after a relative lull in their monthslong campaign in response to Israel's war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip.  The private security firm Ambrey said three missiles could be seen in the attack, which landed closest to a Panama-flagged, Seychelles-registered tanker it described as being "engaged in Russia-linked trade.

Blinken criticizes protesting students' 'silence' on Hamas

Voice of America 

washington — As student protests against Israel's war on Hamas in Gaza continue at more than three dozen American universities, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the demonstrations were "a hallmark" of American democracy. At the same time, he criticized the students for their “silence" on Hamas. "It is also notable that there is silence about Hamas. It's as if it wasn't even part of the story," Blinken said to reporters Friday during a visit to Beijing. "But as I've also said repeatedly... Читать дальше...

US review of Israeli military units over alleged rights violation in West Bank is 'ongoing'

Voice of America 

State Department  — A U.S. review will decide whether certain Israeli military units violated the human rights of Palestinian civilians in the West Bank before the October 7 Hamas terror attacks on Israel, making them ineligible to receive U.S. military assistance. A source familiar with the investigation told VOA on Friday that the “process continues to be ongoing” and is consistent with a memorandum of understanding between the United States and Israel that requires Washington to consult with Israeli officials prior to any conclusion. Читать дальше...

Blinken criticizes students’ silence on Hamas

Voice of America 

Hundreds of students at U.S. universities have been arrested in protests against Israel’s war in Gaza. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the protests are a hallmark of U.S. democracy but criticized students for their silence on Hamas. White House Bureau Chief Patsy Widakuswara reports.

Спорт в России и мире

В Московской области прошел чемпионат Центрального округа Росгвардии по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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