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Новости за 09.12.2019

Arms Amendment Bill 2019 will not affect shooters, says Amit Shah

Business Standard 

Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday assured that the Arms (Amendment) Bill, 2019 will not affect the sportspersons mainly shooters."Sportspersons will not be affected by this, we have kept in mind that no sportsperson has any problem during his or her shooting practice," Shah said.The Lok Sabha passed the bill which seeks to increase punishment for illegally making or selling prohibited arms and ammunition.The minister moved an official amendment to the Arms (Amendment) Bill, 2019, which makes provision... Читать дальше...

Visit these Canadian destinations for a "Christmas Card" experience


For many Canadians, cold weather and snow is a months-long hardship that we travel to get away from over the course of the winter, but you can’t deny that the snowiest parts of the country look spectacular over the Christmas holidays. So many parts of the country turn into a real life scene off of […]

Company with Multi-million Capital Established in Baku

Contact.az (en) 

Baku / 09.12.19 / Turan: At the address 9 Aziz Aliyev Street, Baku, Vornado LLC was registered, in the authorized capital of which the founders contributed 24,236.5 thousand manats or 14,256.8 thousand US dollars.According to the Ministry of Taxes, the company was registered on November 19th. Orhan Sabutay Oglu Ahmedli was appointed its director. So far, nothing is known about the scope of this company.In Azerbaijan, there is no requirement for a minimum authorized capital of ...

BRB's Swan Lake to go on tour

Express & Star 

Birmingham Royal Ballet’s critically acclaimed Swan Lake, first created in 1981 by Sir Peter Wright and Galina Samsova, will tour the UK next year.

Theatre review: Jack And The Beanstalk, King’s Theatre, Glasgow

Living by the Sword 

What makes for a perfect traditional panto? It’s hard to define but if it wasn’t for the daft helicopter gag that ends the first act – I mean, if Dame Trot has access to a helicopter, why do they need a beanstalk at all, to reach the giant in Cloudland? – then this year’s splendid show at the King’s in Glasgow would be pretty close to the mark.

Police at Night, Joint Effort between US Border Patrol & Tohono O'odham Police to prevent Moon Shots


Police at Night, Joint Effort between US Border Patrol & Tohono O'odham Police to prevent Moon Shots, 9 November 2014, Kaij Mek, Arizona, Santa Rosa, AZ, Indian Route 15, Mile Marker 12, Trespassing, Commercial Purposes, https://www.narf.org/nill/codes/tohon... https://www.narf.org/nill/codes/tohono/ Safety Zone, Joint Effort between the Tohono O'odham Police Department and U.S. Border Patrol to improve Safety on Tribal Lands

4 Cybersecurity Stocks to Buy for Long-Term Gains


InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Secular tailwinds underpinning the cybersecurity market remain as favorable as ever, meaning these four cybersecurity stocks are good buys.

The post 4 Cybersecurity Stocks to Buy for Long-Term Gains appeared first on InvestorPlace.

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Jonathan Haidt: Is social media a threat to democracy?

Hot Air 

Jonathan Haidt and co-author Tobias Rose-Stockwell have a piece at the Atlantic arguing that social media has developed into a tool that is potentially doing more harm than good. Indeed, they argue it represents a threat to democracy as a whole. I'm not sure I completely agree with their]]

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Путин в России и мире

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Михаил Кутушов

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


Собянин: Искусственный интеллект станет базовой медицинской технологией в Москве

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