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An end to Oakland and Auckland airport mixups?


An airport in the California city of Oakland is proposing a name change that would help stop it being confused with a city 10,000 km away in the South Pacific. The air hub in San Francisco Bay is regularly confused with a similar-sounding terminal in Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand. So muddled was […]

Spain's ‘Shade tax’ could cost diners $15 for seeking relief from sun


Sheltering from the sun in Spain could soon leave unsuspecting vacationers in the shade — at least financially. Under a new law being introduced in Andalusia, one of the country’s hottest and driest regions, restaurateurs will be allowed to charge an extra levy for diners who want to sit outside under cover. Venues will be […]

‘Smooch cabins’ on German trains  put premium on privacy


New frosted-glass compartments on Germany’s high-speed trains that promise privacy for “confidential conversations” have been dubbed “smooch cabins” by its biggest-selling newspaper. The tabloid Bild noted the opaque windows provide perfect cover for couples seeking an intimate moment while hurtling along Germany’s new-look Intercity Express (ICE) trains. Roughly two metres long and 70-cm wide, the […]

Seeing how jamón gets made in the heartland of Spanish pork


ARACENA, Spain – “How do you like the ham?” asked Manolo Romero de la Ossa, the owner of Casas, a popular restaurant here in Andalusia. All week long around the village of Jabugo, my wife and I had been eating jamón Ibérico de bellota, the sweet, nutty, salty and creamy product of black-hoofed, free-range pigs […]

'Coolcation’ trend sends overheated vacationers north to Sweden


Sweden is cashing in on the “coolcation” phenomenon with a 21 per cent increase in search inquiries among overseas travellers, it’s tourism board reports. Deemed by Condé Nast Traveler magazine to be one of the key trends for this year, “coolcationing” emphasizes travel to destinations with less blistering temperatures and fewer crowds. And Sweden’s laid-back […]

A trip to the last Blockbuster on Earth


BEND, Ore. – My family used to go to Blockbuster every Friday. Walking to the store on 19th Street and First Avenue in Manhattan, we’d wander through the aisles of DVDs, negotiating what to rent for our weekly ritual of making pizzas and watching movies, and I’d try to sweet-talk my way into a Nerds […]

Slingshot-wielding cops wage war on ‘thug’ monkeys in Thailand


Police with slingshots have been deployed in a Thai tourist town to deal with “dangerous” monkeys running amok in the streets. The aggressive macaques in Lopburi, roughly 145 kilometres, north of the capital Bangkok, have been making life a misery for both residents and visitors. They have attacked market stalls, cars and homes, and have […]

Northwest Passage pair win court fight over axed cruise


A British couple whose “trip of lifetime” around the fabled Northwest Passage was axed because it was too cold have won an $135,000 court fight. Nicholas Sherman, 76, and wife Rosemary, 75, had set their sights on following a similar route through Arctic Canada as that of the doomed 19th-century voyage of Captain John Franklin. […]

Scotland’s Stone of Destiny returns home after 700 years


A stone slab pivotal to royal history will be the centrepiece of a new $45-million museum in central Scotland. The Stone of Destiny, an ancient symbol of the country’s monarchy, will go on display at the redeveloped former city hall in Perth. It will mark its return home to Perthshire for the first time in […]

Спорт в России и мире

Команда подмосковного главка Росгвардии заняла призовое место на чемпионате Центрального округа по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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Арина Соболенко

Соболенко: я предпочитаю смотреть мужской теннис, а не женский


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Экология в России и мире

Эксперты дали советы по выбору идеального района для семейной жизни в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Анастасия Волочкова

Балерина Анастасия Волочкова заявила, что ей нравится режиссер Гай Ричи


Касающиеся региональной безопасности вопросы Михаил Ведерников обсудил с Алексеем Наумцом

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