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Новости за 09.12.2019

New method to remove dust on solar panels


Particle removal increased from 41% on hydrophilic smooth Si wafers to 98% on superhydrophobic Si-based nanotextured surfaces. The researchers confirmed these results by measuring the adhesion of a micron-sized particle to the flat and nanotextured substrate using an atomic force microscope. They found that the adhesion in water is reduced by a factor of 30.

McDonald's black franchisees are fighting to earn as much as their white counterparts, as dozens leave the company they once considered family (MCD)


  • McDonald's black franchisees make hundreds of thousands of dollars less a year, on average, than their white counterparts at the fast-food giant.
  • Black franchisees say their stores net $68,000 less a month, on average, than McDonald's overall franchisee average. That disparity has more than doubled in recent years.
  • Larry Tripplett, the head of McDonald's black franchisee group, the National Black McDonald's Owners Association (NBMOA), said in an internal letter earlier... Читать дальше...

This Pictures Proves 1 Fact: It's Really Hard to Sink a U.S. Navy Submarine

The National Interest 

Kyle Mizokami


And thank god for that. 

Key Point: The heroic actions of the crew were essential to the submarine’s survival.

In 2005, a U.S. Navy attack submarine collided head-on with an undersea mountain at more than thirty miles an hour. Despite the damage the ship sustained and the crew’s injuries, the USS San Francisco managed to limp to her home port of Guam on her own power. The incident was a testament to the design of the submarine and the training and professionalism of her crew. Читать дальше...

Sokakta zamlara tepki; ''Açız aç aç aç''


Sokakta zamlara tepki; ''Açız aç aç aç''
Yeniçağ TV sokağın nabzını tutmaya devam ediyor. Yeniçağ TV ekibi İstanbul’da Bakırköy meydanında ekonomik krizin getirdiği yıkımı vatandaşlara sordu. Vatandaşlar Yeniçağ TV’ye hükümete olan tepkilerini dile getirdi.

Podcast: Momentous Days For Russia, Ukraine, And Belarus

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 

Will Russia bolster its influence with western neighbors Ukraine and Belarus? RFE/RL Senior Correspondent Robert Coalson joins host Steve Gutterman to discuss Russian President Vladimir Putin's talks this past weekend with Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his "Normandy Format" meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy of Ukraine.

Industrial estate changes hands

Express & Star 

A leading London-based industrial property company has added to its expanding portfolio by buying an established Wolverhampton industrial estate.

Музыкальные новости

"Новосибирск, бро, за всё прости": концерт Басты на "Сибирь-Арене" собрал аншлаг

Персональные новости

Генерал-полковник Алексей Воробьев высоко оценил подготовку кинологов Росгвардии к предстоящим соревнованиям по профессиональному многоборью

Sign inversions in optical rotation as a function of wavelength (ORD spectra)


I have been discussing some historical aspects of the absolute configuration of molecules and how it was connected to their optical rotations. The nomenclature for certain types of molecules such as sugars and less commonly amino acids includes the notation (+) to indicate that the specific optical rotation of the molecule has a positive (rather […]

Azercell was awarded the certificate for "The Best Stand Design"

Contact.az (en) 

Azercell Telecom has participated at the 25th Anniversary of Bakutel - Azerbaijan International Exhibition of Telecommunications, Innovation and High Technologies held at Baku Expo Center from December 3 to 6, 2019 as a general sponsor and provider of innovative services. The Company"s stand, accepted with great interest by all the visitors at the Bakutel 2019, was awarded a special certificate for "The Best Stand Design" by the organizers.As during every year, this year also ...

Спорт в России и мире

Депутат Московской областной Думы провела осмотр ФОКа в Волоколамске


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

Россиянин Сафиуллин потерял четыре места в рейтинге ATP


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Экология в России и мире

При каких обстоятельствах может затопить Петербург и Москву? Отвечает гидролог

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Фёдор Шаляпин

В театре имени Шаляпина в Петербурге восстановят исторические лестницы


Подрядчик приступает к заключительному этапу ремонта коллектора в Бердске

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