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Новости за 22.05.2019

Rajasthan Lok Sabha election results 2019 on Thursday

Zee News (zeenews.india.com) 

In 2014, the Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party had swept all the 25 seats in Rajasthan. It was the first time since the 1989 Lok Sabha polls that Congress failed to open its account in state. The grand old party, however, emerged successful in the 2018 Assembly poll, forming the state government with Ashok Gehlot as the chief minister.

Handlebar breakage

Bike Forums 

https://www.singletracks.com/blog/mtb-videos/watch-mountain-bikers-handlebar-snaps-mid-air/ Now my question is WHY? and also was this a carbon fiber bar? I'm assuming an old bar considering the hammering and abuse this bicycle was getting on a daily basis.

Louisiana editorial roundup

The Washington Times 

Recent editorials from Louisiana newspapers:

May 21

The American Press on state government control over local governments:

Much has been written about Louisiana state government having too much control over local government operations, but that isn't likely to change anytime soon. The issue surfaced during the current legislative session when ...

George Conway on Trump: Why not put up sign saying 'I am a loony tune'


Frequent Trump critic George Conway slammed the sign in front of President Trump's podium while Trump delivered a speech in the White House Rose Garden Wednesday.“Why not just put up a sign on the podium saying, ‘I am a loony tune’?” Conway tweeted....

IRS distances itself from draft memo


The IRS released a statement Wednesday, distancing itself from the leaked draft memo first reported by the Washington Post, that seems to contradict the Trump administration's justification for denying Congress the president's tax returns.

Voting For Labour Would Be A Fundamental Mistake For Young People


Just over a year ago, I wrote a piece on why the youth were ‘reluctant Remainers’, and for the most part these arguments still stand for a typically left-leaning student. Student ambivalence boils down mostly to a lack of real recognition for what the EU actually does (providing crucial top-ups to local authority funding, the backbone to university research, structural funding for deprived areas) and a belief that the EU is, at best, a flawed bit of mildly benign bureaucracy and at worst, a Machiavellian... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Сергей Трофимов

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

Персональные новости

Бизнес-астролог Александра Секачева дала интервью журналу “Фокус внимания”

5 Rights Activists Charged in Zimbabwe, Lawyers Say

Voice of America 

Authorities in Zimbabwe have charged five human rights campaigners arrested earlier this week, accusing them of plotting to overthrow President Emmerson Mnangagwa, lawyers said Wednesday. "The five were charged with subverting a constitutional government," Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) spokesman Kumbirai Mafunda said in a statement. Four of the activists were arrested Monday when disembarking from a flight at Harare airport. The fifth was arrested at the same airport Tuesday. According to the lawyers... Читать дальше...

Mississippi editorial roundup

The Washington Times 

Recent editorials from Mississippi newspapers:

May 17

The Greenwood Commonwealth on the hiring of a school official:

Holmes County school officials would not have known three years ago when they hired Dyana Terrelle Thomas that he would get locked up for allegedly having sex with a student of the high ...

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