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Chromed Steel Fork Blade Rattle

Bike Forums 

What is the best way to stop it? The forks don't have any weep/drain holes, and there is something inside one or both of the fork blades that is rattling around. Different forks on another bike had a similar rattle so I used the palm of my hand against the forks to repeatedly vibrate it like a...

Can you use BH90 hose with BR-RS785 calipers?

Bike Forums 

I am putting together a new 2016 Sworks Tarmac Di2 Disc brake frame set. This would be SL5 disc brake bike. Since the SL5 disc frame runs a post mount caliper the only one available from Shimano is the BR-RS785 which uses BH59 brake hose. I decided to upgrade to the newer Ultegra ST-8070 shift...

Pros and cons of roller brakes

Bike Forums 

I am planning to build a Python recumbent bike. Possibly start work next year so just researching now. I was considering using Shimano roller brakes on both wheels as they seem simpler to implement with less welding needed and stronger stays. Other advantages could be better dirt resistance...

Carbon fiber fork drop-outs...

Bike Forums 

I noticed a loose fiber or two on my cf fork drop-outs when I had it off to clean and lubricate the bearings. From what I understand, even minor damage to cf can stress it to the point of failure. Should I be worried?

An apple can save your life

Bike Forums 

Cyclist's Apple Watch with a 'fall detection feature' may have saved his life by calling 911 and alerting his son after he crashed his bike and was knocked unconscioushttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7505293/Washington-mans-Apple-Watch-calls-911-crashed-bike-crash-knocked-unconscious.html

Electric scooters on MUP

Bike Forums 

After looking up the definition of a MUP and seeing a few videos, in Korea, we have 100's of kilometres of MUP's, they are becoming more popular with cyclists, new and old ,many electric wheelchairs, and now the Korean government will make it legal for electric scooters to ride on the MUP. ...

Do Apprenticeships Still Exist?

Bike Forums 

I'm sure this has been said before, but my search turned up random posts mentioning apprenticeships. Do framebuilder apprenticeships still exist? Perhaps I am at the mercy of luck, and I am not in the right place(s) at the right time(s), but I have never seen nor heard of a framebuilding...

'87 Schwinn Super Sport question

Bike Forums 

The 1987 Schwinn catalog states the Super Sport's main tubes is made of Columbus Tenax double butted chrome-moly. However the seat post specified is 26.6 mm. Shouldn't the seat post diameter be 27.2mm if it is double butted?

Help deciding on color (Tarmac Expert 2020)

Bike Forums 

I came to an agreement with my dealer so I'm going to switch into the Tarmac Pro tomorrow, I need help deciding between the two colors: I also will be adding my red s tape, and red seat to it: 1. [*=left]Satin Black/Chameleon/Gloss Tarmac Black [*=left]Satin Cool Grey/Cast...

Saw this Tuesday morning riding to work.

Bike Forums 

Near the entrance to the bike lane on the Brooklyn side of the Manhattan Bridge. Image: https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/bikeforums.net-vbulletin/1632x1224/angelbike_05902c748618a42b637a85fc00d9bc465ee767d2.jpg

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Елена Рыбакина

Камбэком обернулся матч вундеркинда из России перед стартом Еленой Рыбакиной в Мадриде


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Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

Путин в России и мире

Мария Захарова раскритиковала высказывание Нэнси Пелоси о Путине и протестах в США

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