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Новости за 10.01.2019

Cristiano Ronaldo: Las Vegas police request DNA sample following rape allegations - BBC Sport

Sports - Google News (uk) 

  1. Cristiano Ronaldo: Las Vegas police request DNA sample following rape allegations  BBC Sport
  2. Cristiano Ronaldo rape claim latest: Las Vegas police issue warrant for striker's DNA  Mirror Online
  3. Cristiano Ronaldo rape allegation: lawyer confirms police have issued warrant for DNA  The Guardian
  4. Police in Las Vegas 'issue a warrant to obtain Cristiano Ronaldo's DNA' after rape claims  Daily Mail
  5. View full coverage on Google News

This Week in True-Crime Podcasts: The Last Days of August, Monster, and More


The true-crime podcast universe is ever expanding. We’re here to make it a bit smaller, a bit more manageable. There are a lot of great shows and each has a lot of great episodes, so we want to highlight the exceptional, the noteworthy. Each week, our crack team of podcast enthusiasts and ... More »

Khelo India Youth Games 2019: Day 1 Ke Results

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

By Sanuj Srivastava on SwimSwam Khelo India Youth Games 2019 India Ke One Of The Biggest Sports Event Hai. Khelo India Youth Games 2019 Indian Sports Ke Talent Ko Tarashne Ke Liye Kraya Gaya Hai. Read

Fork Vibration Comparison

Bike Forums 

Compared the vibration of two carbon forks I have to two steel forks I also have. The carbon forks both vibrate at a higher frequency than the two steel forks. I wacked them against the work bench and listened to them as though they were tuning forks. The carbon forks ride harsher than the steel...

Southampton’s Charlie Austin handed two-game ban for gesture to away fans - The Guardian

Sports - Google News (uk) 

  1. Southampton’s Charlie Austin handed two-game ban for gesture to away fans  The Guardian
  2. Southampton's Charlie Austin banned for two games  SkySports
  3. Southampton striker Charlie Austin has been banned by The FA  Daily Echo
  4. Southampton striker Charlie Austin gets two-match ban for 'abusive' gesture  ESPN.co.uk
  5. Southampton news: Austin banned for two matches after abusive gesture  Goal.com
  6. View full coverage on Google News

CCJ re-opens Campus Trendz case

Nation News.com 

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) held a Case Management Conference (CMC) today re-opening the appeal of Renaldo Anderson Alleyne v The Queen. Alleyne had appealed against the judge’s imposition on...

New map of Idlib after jihadists take control of Al-Ghaab Plain


BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 P.M.) – The jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham has taken control of the entire western region of the Idlib Governorate after launching a large-scale offensive against their former allies from the Turkish-backed National Liberation Front. According to the latest reports from the Idlib front, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham has taken control of […]

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Weekend snow from Denver to D.C.


The next winter storm is poised to leave a blanket of snow from Denver to Washington. Major cities in between -- like St. Louis -- could see the brunt of the storm with over a half a foot of snow possible through the weekend.

The Possibility of an Absolute Urban Artifact


As a newcomer to the city, one of my first encounters with Toronto’s many idiosyncrasies involved navigating a series of awkward intersections northwest of downtown. Just south of St. Clair Avenue, Vaughan Street cuts the city’s grid at a diagonal…

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Building a Wall Isn't Evil. It's Medieval

Real Clear Politics 

Dana Milbank, Washington Post
If the plan is to bet the United States' national security on the siege-warfare technology of the ancient and medieval worlds, which is what a wall does, then our strategy has to be much more Byzantine.

Музыкальные новости
The Beatles

100 лучших сольных песен The Beatles - 4

Персональные новости

Настроение в движении. На выставке "Россия" открылась спортплощадка

Treasury chief: No sanctions relief for Russian oligarch


WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin plans to tell lawmakers in a classified briefing Thursday that the Trump administration will keep strict U.S. sanctions on the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and any companies he owns. In one of Democrats’ first oversight moves as the new majority in the House, seven committee chairmen wrote to Mnuchin

Duquesne Coach Burt


Keeping it real after losing to Davidson by 15...yikes! :eek: Thought for a minute this dude might be related to maddog!! ;) ...

Спорт в России и мире

Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Рафаэль Надаль

Надаль навестил в больнице 16-летнюю российскую теннисистку


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Экология в России и мире

Экологические итоги недели: Миллиарды цикад покроют Америку

Путин в России и мире

Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мэр Киева Кличко рассказал о попытках встретиться с Зеленским лично

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певицу Аллу Пугачеву заметили на Кипре в одной пижаме


«Sohu», Китай: Россия наконец сделала свой ход! США попадут в безвыходное положение. Это последняя капля?

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