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Новости за 05.01.2019

Guy Tries to Eat 150 Hot Dogs at Once


Once Day the Guy is Barbecuing 150 Hot Dogs and putting the BBQ sauce on it then head the Buns Ready and had Ketchup, Mustard, Relish and Onions Ready and once the Barbecuing is Done and they Said I want you to eat 150 Hot Dogs at Once Eat them All Right Now Eat these Hot Dogs Right Now then I Started eating Hot dogs and kept on Eating Hot Dogs Nonstop then is Stomach got Upset they said Eat 10 More Hot Dogs then Fell Down they Said Get Up and eat 5 More Hot Dogs and Don't Go Falling Down and He Barley Ate 150 Hot Dogs. Читать дальше...

High-profile NYC lawyer may have led double life as serial sex crime fiend: cops

New York Post 

The Brooklyn lawyer busted for three Manhattan cold-case sex crimes could be linked to at least two others, cops said Saturday. Police believe Ra’Shaun Kelley may have been involved in a Dec. 28, 2014 sexual assault of a 22-year-old woman in the stairwell of an East 6th Street apartment building. Authorities also suspect he may...

Slain police officer called 'American hero' at his funeral

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A California police officer who was killed in the line of duty was hailed Saturday as a "Fiji-born American hero" who made the ultimate sacrifice for his adopted country. At a funeral held for Cpl. Ronil (row-neel) Singh, mourners remembered the 33-year-old officer as a hard-working immigrant who worked his way up to become an officer in the small town of Newman. He "stood so much for what is right in our world and yet unfortunately was taken too soon from us by what is wrong... Читать дальше...

‘Leave No Trace’ Director Debra Granik Wins $50,000 Spirit Awards Filmmaker Grant

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

“Leave No Trace” director Debra Granik was given a $50,000 Film Independent Spirit Awards grant designed to recognize a mid-career female director at the Spirit Awards’ nominees brunch on Saturday. Granik won the second annual Bonnie Award, named for Bonnie Tiburzi Caputo, who joined American Airlines in 1973 and became the first female pilot to fly for a major U.S. airline. The category’s other nominees were Tamara Jenkins (“Private Life”) and Karyn Kusama (“Destroyer”). Read the full article... Читать дальше...

An estimated 50,000 joined France's first yellow protest of 2019 against Macron

BusinessInsider.com (uk) 

Kamil Zihnioglu/AP

  • Several thousand protesters clashed with authorities Saturday in Paris during the yellow vest movement's first action of 2019. 
  • The movement has targeted French President Emmanuel Macron for several weekends since initially taking issue with a policy that raised fuel prices. 
  • Around 50,000 people were estimated to be protesting across the country Saturday.

PARIS (AP) — French security forces fired tear gas and flash-balls after a... Читать дальше...

Voter confronts Warren on DNA test decision


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was confronted by a voter in Sioux City, Iowa, over her controversial decision to use a DNA test to prove her claims of Native American ancestry.

Learn to Row Graduation 2018

Curlew Rowing Club 

Plum Pudding saw the finale of our winter 2018 learn to row course. After a difficult course with weather and the refurbishment of the tank we are proud to say that all our newbies made it through the course and are happily members of our rowing club. Their first session […]

Музыкальные новости
Григорий Лепс

«Я бы поступил иначе»: Юрий Лоза прокомментировал поступок Лепса, выбившего телефон у фанатки

Персональные новости

«Калмыкия стала точкой объединения народов всей страны»: в Элисте стартовал Первый Фестиваль национальных театров России

Some US troops may be left inside Syria after withdrawal


US national security adviser John Bolton reportedly plans during his trip to Israel to discuss maintaining US presence in Syria to counter the Iranian threat. NBC News reported, citing a senior US official, that some US troops could stay behind at the key At Tanf base in southern Syria after American forces leave the country. […]

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Watch: Melvin Gordon's Uber Driver Trash-Talks Chargers Before Ravens Game - Bleacher Report NFL


  1. Watch: Melvin Gordon's Uber Driver Trash-Talks Chargers Before Ravens Game  Bleacher Report NFL
  2. How the Chargers and Ravens match up in an AFC wild-card game  Los Angeles Times
  3. Melvin Gordon's Uber driver doesn't like Los Angeles Chargers' NFL playoff chances  ESPN
  4. The Ravens offense is unique for a reason: 'After a while, these guys don't want to run'  Baltimore Sun
  5. Chargers vs. Ravens odds, line: 2019 NFL Wild Card picks, best playoff predictions by model... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Сотрудники Росгвардии приняли участие в чемпионате Центрального округа по боксу.


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Владимир Зеленский подтвердил ракетный удар по аэродрому в Джанкое

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Жителей Мытищей приглашают на ежегодный субботник

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