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Новости за 20.08.2015

Josh Duggar says he’s ‘the biggest hypocrite ever’ amid Ashley Madison rumors

Washington Post 

A day after Gawker alleged in a report that Josh Duggar had paid for an account on the infidelity site Ashley Madison, Duggar — the oldest child of the family famous for the now-canceled TLC show “19 Kids and Counting” — said in a statement posted to the family website that he has “been the biggest hypocrite ever.”Read full article >>

Wonkblog: U.S. factories still haven’t recovered from the recession

Washington Post 

It took less than a year for America's factory output to rebound from the 1991 recession. It took 3½ years to bounce back from the 2001 recession. Now, six years clear of the Great Recession, manufacturing output still hasn't returned to the pre-crisis levels it reached in 2007, according to revised economic data from the Federal Reserve.Read full article >>

Greek prime minister resigns, calls snap elections to shore up support

Washington Post 

BRUSSELS — Greek Prime Mini­ster Alexis Tsipras resigned Thursday, calling snap elections in his economically embattled nation in a bid to combat dissent within his own party.The decision injected fresh uncertainty into Greece’s turbulent economics. The nation last month narrowly escaped being cast out of the euro currency zone and instead took on a new round of austerity in exchange for its third bailout in five years.Read full article >>

Jeb Bush: ‘Anchor babies’ isn’t offensive

Washington Post 

This story has been updated.KEENE, N.H. — A feistier, combative Jeb Bush said Thursday that he doesn't believe the term "anchor babies" is offensive and blamed Democrats for perpetuating the idea that it's a loaded term.Read full article >>

Islamic State claims responsibility for massive car bombing in Cairo

Washington Post 

CAIRO — The Islamic State claimed a massive car bombing on Thursday that targeted security forces here in the Egyptian capital in what the militant group deemed as retaliation for a deadly government operation against its fighters.Read full article >>

Former president Jimmy Carter says cancer has spread to his brain

Washington Post 

Former president Jimmy Carter said that the cancer doctors discovered earlier this year on his liver has also been found on his brain. Carter, 90, said he will receive his first radiation treatment for the disease Thursday afternoon.Read full article >>

Company behind ‘female Viagra’ pill bought for $1 billion

Washington Post 

Well, that didn't take long.Sprout Pharmaceuticals, the small company whose polarizing pill to treat low sex drive in women was approved Tuesday by the Food and Drug Administration, has been purchased by Canadian drugmaker Valeant Pharmaceuticals for approximately $1 billion.Read full article >>

Global warming worsened the California drought, scientists say

Washington Post 

California’s drought was spawned by natural weather variations that have bedeviled the West throughout recorded history.But a new study released Thursday says human-caused global warming is worsening the natural phenomenon. The study by Columbia University’s Earth Institute isn’t the first to say warming has played a key role in fueling California’s dry conditions,  but it’s the first to measure its impact, predicting that it increased the problem by as much as 25 percent.Read full article >>

Massive blast targets security forces in Cairo

Washington Post 

CAIRO — A car bomb targeting security forces exploded in the Egyptian capital early Thursday morning, the Interior Ministry said, shaking buildings across the city raising fears of an increasingly brazen insurgency that has stepped up attacks in Cairo. Six policemen were injured in the attack, the ministry said.Read full article >>

Ex-‘Subway guy’ Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child porn, underage sex

Washington Post 

Jared Fogle, the fat-shedding “Subway guy” and former face of the world’s largest restaurant chain, agreed Wednesday to a plea deal for possessing child pornography and having sex with underage girls, a precipitous fall for an American everyman held up as a model for healthy living.Read full article >>

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Блогерша Алена Водонаева заявила, что ей нравится сын рэпера Джигана

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Editorial: Europe’s sinister expansion of euthanasia

Washington Post 

If you were a psychiatrist and a chronically depressed patient told you he wanted to die, what would you do?In Belgium, you might prescribe this vulnerable, desperate person a fatal dose of sodium thiopental.Read full article >>

The proposed Eisenhower memorial is a monstrosity

Washington Post 

We could wearily shrug, say “Oh, well,” and economize waste and annoyance by just building the proposed $142 million Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial. But long after its perpetrators are gone, it would squat there, representing Washington at its worst and proving that we have forgotten how to nurture our national memory with intelligent memorials.Read full article >>

How did these two women become the first to complete Army Ranger School?

Washington Post 

The two women who will graduate Friday from the Army’s Ranger School did not seem particularly destined to break that gender barrier. Both were strong students and gifted athletes, like many others who emerge from high schools across the country every year. But they made their mark on the U.S. military this week by tapping rare levels of determination that intensified over time.Read full article >>

Bush and Trump face off in N.H. — and The Donald is winning

Washington Post 

DERRY, N.H. — They showed up by the hundreds. They stood in line under the hot sun for hours. They carried paper cutouts of Donald Trump’s face. They folded into the seats of a high school auditorium here, hard rock music pulsating, and got ready to ask questions of the bombastic billionaire they hope to elect president. This was Trump’s first New Hampshire town hall meeting, and the place was crackling.Read full article >>

Bush and Trump face off in N.H. — and The Donald is winning

Washington Post 

DERRY, N.H. — They showed up by the hundreds. They stood in line under the hot sun for hours. They carried paper cut-outs of Donald Trump’s face. They folded into the seats of a high school auditorium here, hard rock music pulsating, and got ready to ask questions of the bombastic billionaire they hope to elect president. This was Trump’s first New Hampshire town hall meeting, and the place was crackling.Read full article >>

Editorial: Let women serve in elite military units

Washington Post 

ON FRIDAY, two women will stand alongside 94 men — and thousands more in history — to receive their U.S. Army Ranger tabs. For the men, the new pins on their uniforms will represent an opportunity for future service. For the women, the first to graduate from Ranger School, the pins will be little more than badges of honor: Though the female soldiers have passed every test thrown their way, they still cannot audition to join the elite 75th Ranger Regiment. Read full article >>

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Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


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