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Новости за 05.03.2020

Coronavirus: Sikkim bars entry of foreigners

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Sikkim has decided to ban entry of foreigners to insulate itself from the novel coronavirus. The Sikkim home department issued a notification placing curbs on the issue of inner-line permit, a travel document that foreigners require to have in addition to the Indian visa to visit the Himalayan state.

Rupali Ganguly dances barefoot on scorching floor of Sun temple in Ahmedabad

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Actress Rupaly Ganguly is preparing hard for her new show "Anupamaa", in which she will be seen playing a mother, who has the hidden talent of a Kathak dancer. And to get into the skin of the character, Rupali danced barefoot on the scorching floor of the Sun Temple in Ahmedabad.

Videos of mob targeting cops emerge after riots

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The toll in the north-east Delhi riots rose to 53 on Thursday . According to officials, so far 44 deaths have been reported from GTB Hospital and five from Ram Manohar Lohia. Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital has reported three deaths.

RBI caps withdrawals at Rs 50,000 at Yes Bank

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

RBI has appointed deputy managing director and chief finance officer of State Bank of India, Prashant Kumar, as an administrator of the Yes Bank. Although the central bank has said that the moratorium on cash withdrawals will last for 30 days, sources said that a plan involving SBI is in the works.

30 corona cases confirmed, 23 more positive in 1st test

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

A 57-year-old man from Ghaziabad with a recent travel history to Iran has become the 30th person to be confirmed positive for Covid-19 in India. He has been quarantined at Delhi’s Ram Manohar Lohia hospital. His wife and son have been put in isolation at MMG District Hospital in Ghaziabad.

BHIM-UPI TOISA: PV Sindhu shines brightest amongst sports winners for 2019

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

PV Sindhu, Rohit Sharma, Rani, Saurabh Chaudhary, Dutee Chand, Manu Bhaker, Bajrang Punia and Jaspal Rana are some of the prominent names that featured among the winners at the Times of India Sports Awards (TOISA) powered by BHIM-UPI, which honoured the best performances in Indian sport in 2019 at a glittering awards function in Delhi on Thursday.

Roadies Revolution: Contestants pour their hearts out on this week's episode

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

With every episode, Roadies Revolution is creating quite a stir with some impressive stories from the contestants. While the last episode saw some of the most interesting aspects, the fourth week witnesses contestants in the Pune auditions reveal some emotional stories of their lives, that will leave the celebrity leaders speechless.

RBI imposes 'moratorium' on Yes Bank

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The Reserve Bank on Thursday imposed a moratorium on the capital-starved Yes Bank and capped withdrawals at Rs 50,000 per account till further orders. The board of Yes Bank has also been superseded with immediate effect, the Reserve Bank of India said in a late evening statement. Former SBI CFO Prashant Kumar has been appointed as administrator for Yes Bank.

Музыкальные новости
Виктор Цой

У могил Горшка и Виктора Цоя на Богословском кладбище появилась защита от вандалов

Персональные новости

В Московской области сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в краже дорогостоящего электрооборудования

As India reports coronavirus cases, experts fear South Asia spread

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are home to some 1.7 billion people or more than a fifth of the world's population, but their over-stretched health systems could struggle to handle the type of intensive care required for coronavirus patients.

TOISA: Sindhu shines brightest amongst winners

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

PV Sindhu, Rohit Sharma, Rani, Saurabh Chaudhary, Dutee Chand, Manu Bhaker, Bajrang Punia and Jaspal Rana are some of the prominent names that featured among the winners at the Times of India Sports Awards (TOISA) powered by BHIM-UPI, which honoured the best performances in Indian sport in 2019 at a glittering awards function in Delhi on Thursday.

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