The Week

Новости за 13.08.2018

Iran's supreme leader says he will never negotiate with Trump administration

The Week 

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, took a page out of President Trump's diplomacy handbook Monday by tweeting his refusal to conduct negotiations with the U.S. Khamenei outlined his disdain for America in a six-part thread on his English-language Twitter account, and he included an infographic detailing the "U.S. formula for negotiation," which slammed the U.S. government for being so focused on "power and money" that they "consider negotiations as a business deal."

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Carmelo Anthony is officially a Houston Rocket

The Week 

Carmelo Anthony officially signed with the Houston Rockets on Monday, in an unsurprising end to weeks of team-shuffling for the 10-time All-Star. Anthony ended last season as a member of the Oklahoma City Thunder, but his one-year stint there came to an end last month after he was traded to the Atlanta Hawks. The Hawks waived his rights and allowed him to become a free agent.

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The Republican Party declares war on Omarosa

The Week 

Omarosa Manigault Newman has the GOP on edge.

White House officials say they're "scared sh-tless of her," and it appears the Republican Party establishment is as well. The former Apprentice contestant and senior White House adviser to President Trump is currently promoting a new White House tell-all, Unhinged. The book reportedly makes some stunning claims, calling Trump a "racist, a bigot, and a misogynist," and Manigault Newman made secret recordings to back up her accusations of corruption. Читать дальше...

Stephen Miller is stealthily killing America's refugee program

The Week 

President Trump has had two secretaries of state and two secretaries of homeland security, but senior policy adviser Stephen Miller has been in the Trump White House since the beginning. His fingerprints are all over the Trump administration's restrictive immigration policies — like a new proposal to sharply limit legal immigration. But a lot of the time, Abigail Tracy reports at Vanity Fair, Miller wears figurative gloves, as in his shadow campaign to grind refugee resettlement to a halt.

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The daily business briefing: August 13, 2018

The Week 


President Trump on Sunday tweeted that it would be "great" if customers boycotted Harley-Davidson. Trump has criticized the iconic American motorcycle maker since it announced in June that it was moving production of motorcycles to be sold in Europe to factories outside the U.S. Harley-Davidson said the move was necessary to avoid European tariffs imposed to retaliate against Trump's tariffs on steel, aluminum, and other products. Trump tweeted that "many" Harley-Davidson owners intended... Читать дальше...

10 things you need to know today: August 13, 2018

The Week 


A brief white nationalist rally near the White House in Washington, D.C., on Sunday drew only about two dozen participants, demanding "white civil rights." A brief speech by organizer Jason Kessler was drowned out by thousands of counterprotesters chanting "Go home, Nazis!" "No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!" and "Black lives matter!" The event was held to mark the one-year anniversary of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which provoked violence that left one counterprotester dead. Читать дальше...

Meet one of Iraq's secret weapons in the battle against ISIS

The Week 

Iraq's elite counterterrorism unit the Falcon Intelligence Cell "may be the most important organization on the front lines of the war on terrorism that almost no one has heard of," The New York Times reported Sunday. The agency placed spies inside the Islamic State's ranks and used that human intelligence to capture ISIS leaders and thwart hundreds of ISIS plots. "Its intelligence helped oust the extremists from their last urban strongholds last year and it now aids the hunt for the group's leaders... Читать дальше...

Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison denies abuse allegation

The Week 

On Sunday, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) flatly denied an allegation from the son of an ex-girlfriend that he had physically abused the woman, Karen Monahan. On Saturday, 25-year-old Austin Monahan claimed on Facebook that he found a video last year on his mother's computer of Ellison dragging his mom off a bed by her feet and berating her. "Karen and I were in a long-term relationship which ended in 2016, and I still care deeply for her well-being," Ellison said in the statement. "This video does... Читать дальше...

Much of the Trump White House is evidently terrified of Omarosa

The Week 

The Republican Party is devoting a lot of energy to discrediting Omarosa Manigault Newman, the former Apprentice contestant and senior White House adviser to President Trump who is promoting a new White House tell-all, Unhinged. "Who in their right mind thinks it's appropriate to secretly record the White House chief of staff in the Situation Room?" asked Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Sunday. That's a good question. Some other ones: Who thought it was a good idea to hire her at the White House in the first place?

John Oliver explains how to spot 'astroturfing,' admits it isn't easy, warns that cynicism is 'toxic'

The Week 

On Sunday's Last Week Tonight, John Oliver tackled the phenomenon of "astroturfing," and he kicked it off with a pretty vulgar joke. Then he got down to business: "Astroturfing is the practice of corporations or political groups disguising themselves as spontaneous, authentic popular movements. It's basically fake grassroots — that's why they call it 'astroturfing.'" Some of these campaigns are pretty obvious, he said, playing one example, but "with dark money surging in the wake of decisions like Citizens United... Читать дальше...

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4-year-old adopted girl in Colorado at risk of deportation despite both parents being U.S. citizens

The Week 

Amy and Marco Becerra are both U.S. citizens, and while they were living in Marco's native Peru — he has dual citizenship — they fostered then adopted an infant girl, Angela. They decided to move back to Colorado so Angela could "have the opportunities that are available here, the education that’s available here," Amy Becerra told Colorado's KDVR News. But because it was a domestic adoption, not an international adoption, they had trouble getting Angela the proper immigration papers. They brought her to Colorado on a tourist visa... Читать дальше...

Omarosa apparently secretly recorded John Kelly inside the Situation Room. That doesn't appear to be illegal.

The Week 

On Sunday, Omarosa Manigault Newman released via NBC News a recording she says secretly captured White House Chief of Staff John Kelly firing her, using thinly veiled threats, inside the Situation Room, one of the most secure rooms in the U.S. government. The recording itself is pretty anodyne, perhaps a little damning for Manigault Newman. But the fact that she recorded it on her cellphone in the Situation Room is alarming, if not, apparently, illegal, assuming she didn't have security clearance. Читать дальше...

Kellyanne Conway appears stumped by question on who replaced Omarosa as Trump's top black West Wing aide

The Week 

The White House is once more in damage control amid allegations from yet another Trump administration insider hawking dirty laundry — and purported secret recordings, some involving President Trump — but Kellyanne Conway appeared unprepared for the question about Omarosa Manigault-Newman posed by ABC News' Jonathan Karl on Sunday's This Week. "Kellyanne, Omarosa was the most prominent, high-level African American serving in the West Wing on the President Trump's staff," he said. "Who now is that... Читать дальше...

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