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Новости за 18.06.2016

Central Indiana jail gets new staff, air-conditioner upgrade


ANDERSON, Ind. — A central Indiana jail is getting an air conditioner upgrade and four new staffers after the county sheriff warned that heat and overcrowding had turned his lockup into a “powder keg.” The Madison County Jail in Anderson is so overcrowded 40 inmates sleep on its floor every night, while temperatures in its

2 inmates escape from eastern Indiana jail through hole


CONNERSVILLE, Ind. — Eastern Indiana police are searching for two inmates who escaped from a county jail by squeezing through a hole they apparently made in the jail’s exterior wall. Inmates Chadwick R. Heath and Michael D. Roberts were found missing from the Fayette County Jail during Friday night’s head count at the jail in

Fort Wayne woman gets 3 years for driving car at 3 people


FORT WAYNE, Ind. — A northeastern Indiana woman who drove her car at three people, injuring a teenage girl, has been sentenced to three years in prison. Twenty-four-year-old Sarah Baltera had pleaded guilty in May to battery and criminal recklessness charges. An Allen County judge sentenced her Friday to five years in prison, but suspended

Marketing ramps up as Evansville hotel nears completion


EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Evansville is boosting efforts to market the city to visitors as construction finishes up on a hotel near the underused Old National Events Plaza downtown. The 241-room Hilton DoubleTree hotel is slated for completion by Dec. 19, the (Evansville) Courier & Press (http://bit.ly/1XYeroy ) reported. Officials with the lead contractor, Hunt Construction,

Indiana restaurant fires manager after ‘best butt’ award


SOUTHPORT, Ind. — Indiana restaurant Scotty’s Brewhouse has fired at least one manager after an employee was given an “unsanctioned and unapproved” award. WXIN-TV reports that the employee at the restaurant’s Southport location received a “best butt” award. The server was also asked to turn around in front of other employees so they could take

Experts: Carrier plant closure to ripple beyond Indianapolis


INDIANAPOLIS — Experts predict Carrier Corp.’s decision to close its manufacturing operation on Indianapolis’ west side will have a ripple effect across the state. The air conditioning giant has planned to cut 1,400 manufacturing jobs over the next three years and move the production facility to Mexico. Jerry Conover is director of the Indiana Business

Man charged in cop’s death again asks to represent self


INDIANAPOLIS — A man accused of killing an Indianapolis police officer in 2014 has again asked to represent himself in court. Major Davis appeared in court Friday to ask a judge if he could fire his public defenders. The 27-year-old is charged with murder in the shooting death of Perry Renn, who died in July

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«Вспомните фильмы, на которых они росли»: рэпер Серега допустил негативное влияние кино на Пугачеву


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