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Новости за 15.06.2016

The Latest: Man arrested in California faces Indiana charge


LOS ANGELES — The Latest on an Indiana man who faces weapons and ammunitions charges in California after telling officers he was headed to a gay pride event (all times local): 1:15 p.m. An Indiana man facing weapons and ammunitions charges in California after telling officers he was headed to a gay pride event now

GE Appliances plans to close Bloomington refrigerator plant


BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — GE Appliances says it plans to close its Bloomington refrigerator plant, eliminating its 329 remaining jobs. The company announced the planned closing Wednesday, citing demand for the side-by-side refrigerators manufactured at the plant that has fallen by 76 percent since 2008. It says the plant is scheduled to operate only 22 weeks

Anhydrous ammonia spill kills fish in southwestern Indiana


WORTHINGTON, Ind. — The runoff from water used to wash away an anhydrous ammonia spill has killed thousands of fish in a southwestern Indiana creak, state wildlife and environmental officials said Wednesday. The spill of about 500 gallons of anhydrous ammonia on Tuesday and the water spray left high levels of chemical residue at the

Great Lakes officials release plan to boost maritime trade


DETROIT — An organization representing states and Canadian provinces in the Great Lakes region released a $3.8 billion plan Wednesday designed to improve their shared maritime transportation system and make cargo shipping more competitive. Aside from doubling maritime trade, the region’s first-ever waterborne transportation strategy is intended to support industry and reduce environmental damage, said

Northern Indiana man, 21, pleads guilty to murder of teen


PLYMOUTH, Ind. — A 21-year-old northern Indiana man has pleaded guilty to murder in the slaying of a 15-year-old girl whose corpse was burned. Marshall County prosecutors say Fabian Rubio of Bremen faces 45 to 65 years in prison when he is sentenced July 14. Rubio was a neighbor of Desi Jones. Her body was

Terre Haute woman identified as 2nd plane crash victim


ROCKVILLE, Ind. — Authorities in western Indiana have identified the second person who died in a small plane crash. Parke County officials tell the Terre Haute Tribune-Star (http://bit.ly/1OpbTvU ) that 39-year-old Kimberly D. Heald-Chaplin of Terre Haute was a passenger in the single-engine Cessna 150 airplane that crashed after takeoff Monday from a private airport

Indiana landmarks wants to sell building, renovate another


SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Indiana Landmarks wants to sell one South Bend building to help renovate another. The South Bend Tribune reports (http://bit.ly/24PcOb4 ) the preservation agency wants to sell the Remedy Building that has housed its offices since 2002 to pay for work at the Kizer mansion. The Remedy Building was built in 1895

Elkhart artist turned criminal art into cash


ELKHART, Ind. — Just as he’s covered the walls of the Elkhart Art League building in High Dive Park with bright artwork, Alex Van Galder has painted over his past to leave a colorful, fulfilling legacy. Van Galder, 29, has been making graffiti art since he was about 16 without really appreciating the medium with

Camp provides fun, learning for students with special needs


BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Summer is a time for fun, a time for kids to let loose and enjoy some momentary freedom. For many children, that means attending summer camp. For children with disabilities, however, attending camp of any sort is often not a possibility. Whether it be for health reasons, behavioral issues or a financial

Man arrested in California faces Indiana charge


INDIANAPOLIS — An Indiana man facing weapons and ammunitions charges in California after telling officers he was headed to a gay pride event was charged Wednesday in Indiana with child molestation — allegations that apparently spurred his cross-country journey to Los Angeles, a prosecutor said. James Wesley Howell, 20, faces one count of child molesting

2 rural northwestern Indiana counties accepting text-to-911


RENSSELAER, Ind. — Two rural northwestern Indiana counties now are accepting text-to-911 messages. WLFI-TV reports (http://bit.ly/1VY5WaU ) Jasper County launched its services at the beginning of June and Newton County was set to begin accepting text messages Wednesday. Both counties say they’ll accept messages from Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile cellphones. Officials stress the text-to-911

Indiana family seeks answers after man’s police run-in death


GREENWOOD, Ind. — Relatives of a central Indiana man who died following a confrontation with police are seeking answers in his death. Thirty-year-old Charlie Todero died Saturday after being removed from life support at a hospital where he had been in a coma following his May 29 run-in with police in Greenwood, just south of

Rockville pilot identified in western Indiana plane crash


ROCKVILLE, Ind. — Authorities have identified the pilot of a plane that crashed after takeoff from a western Indiana airport. Forty-four-year-old Kurt Waugh of Rockville was positively identified Tuesday during an autopsy at Terre Haute Regional Hospital. Forensic pathologist Dr. Roland Kohr says blunt force trauma was determined to be the preliminary cause of death

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Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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