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Новости за 09.05.2016

Reports: First exhumation at Spanish civil war site ordered


MADRID - A lawyer says a Spanish judge has ordered the first ever exhumation of bodies among tens of thousands of civil war victims at the Valley of the Fallen memorial site that also serves as dictator Gen. Francisco Franco's mausoleum.

Southwest flight makes emergency landing in San Jose


SAN JOSE, California - A Southwest Airlines flight has arrived safely at Mineta San Jose International Airport after the pilot asked to make an emergency landing there due to mechanical problems.

Police: Man seeking revenge causes damage at wrong home


SOUTH BRUNSWICK, New Jersey - Authorities say a man seeking revenge against the man dating his ex-girlfriend went to the wrong New Jersey house and caused $10,000 in damage to vehicles in the driveway.

South Dakota tribe seeks children's century-old remains


ROSEBUD, South Dakota - The remains of at least 10 Native American children who died nearly 2,000 miles away from their homes while being forced to attend a government-run boarding school in Pennsylvania more than a century ago could soon be repatriated under an effort taken up by a South Dakota tribe.

Court: No evidence experts repudiate shaken baby diagnosis


SAN FRANCISCO - A federal appeals court says a California man convicted of murdering his infant daughter failed to show that scientists have repudiated the shaken baby syndrome theory used by prosecutors at his trial.

Puerto Rico Senate hands off probe of power authority to FBI


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - A special commission looking into fuel purchases by the financially troubled electric utility in Puerto Rico has turned over its findings to U.S. federal authorities for further investigation, the majority leader of the island's Senate said Monday.

Croatian president urges national reconciliation


ZAGREB, Croatia - Croatia's president has made an appeal for reconciliation between right and left-wing supporters for the sake of the future of EU's newest member state.

Tony nominations help 'Waitress,' and 'Shuffle Along'


NEW YORK - Earning a clutch of Tony Award nominations is usually good for business on Broadway and that was certainly true last week for shows like "Waitress," ''Shuffle Along" and "The Color Purple."

North Carolina governor digs in over transgender law


RALEIGH, North Carolina - Digging in Monday in his fight with the federal government, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory sued the U.S. Justice Department to preserve the state's new law restricting the use of public bathrooms by transgender people.

ACLU sues Mississippi over 'religious rights' law


JACKSON, Mississippi - The American Civil Liberties Union and a gay couple are suing the state of Mississippi over a law to allow workers to cite their own religious objections to same-sex marriage as a reason to deny people services.

Panama closes border to Cubans, flies others to Mexico


PANAMA CITY - Panama has closed its border to Cuban immigrants trying to make their way north to the United States and once again is flying Cubans who already made it to the country to the Mexico-U.S. border.

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In Flint crisis, questions grow over quest for pipeline


FLINT TOWNSHIP, Michigan - With drab olive chairs and worn carpet, the conference room in the low-slung administrative building near the Genesee County wastewater treatment plant isn't fancy, but it showcases one of Jeff Wright's greatest treasures: Permit No. 2009-001.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде


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