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Tacoma Tribune News

Новости за 15.08.2018

Putin to attend Austrian foreign minister’s wedding

Tacoma Tribune News 

The Kremlin says that President Vladimir Putin will attend the Austrian foreign minister's wedding this week. Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday that Putin, who is set to visit Berlin … Click to Continue »

2nd Florida university cuts ties with Confucius Institute

Tacoma Tribune News 

Another Florida school has announced it is cutting ties with a language and culture institute supported by the Chinese government. In a statement Tuesday, the University of North Florida said … Click to Continue »

Democrat’s hope to beat Walker is former teacher

Tacoma Tribune News 

Tony Evers will try to capitalize on his even-keeled demeanor and background in education as a former teacher, superintendent and now state schools chief to do something no Democrat has … Click to Continue »

Burglary suspect shot by police in Southern California

Tacoma Tribune News 

Authorities say police shot and wounded a suspect who allegedly tried to break into a home in suburban Southern California. Officials in Costa Mesa say a patrol officer responded Tuesday … Click to Continue »

Dems pick ‘firsts,’ GOP goes for Trump fave in primaries

Tacoma Tribune News 

In a night of firsts, Democrats in Vermont's primary chose the nation's first transgender gubernatorial nominee. In Minnesota, they picked a woman who would be the first Somali-American member of … Click to Continue »

A rising concern? After straws, balloons get more scrutiny

Tacoma Tribune News 

Now that plastic straws may be headed for extinction, could Americans' love of balloons get deflated too? The celebration of releasing balloons into the air has long bothered environmentalists, who … Click to Continue »

Night of firsts as Democrats pick diverse slate of nominees

Tacoma Tribune News 

In a night of firsts, Democrats in Vermont's primary chose the nation's first transgender gubernatorial nominee. In Minnesota, they picked a woman who would be the first Somali-American member of … Click to Continue »

Egypt razes historical Cairo district, angering residents

Tacoma Tribune News 

Egyptian authorities are demolishing a historical 19th century neighborhood in Cairo to make way for high-end housing and business development a stone's throw from the Nile, angering residents who say … Click to Continue »

Israel denies US author’s account of interrogation

Tacoma Tribune News 

Israel's domestic security agency denies threatening a prominent American author and questioning him about his politics during a recent visit. The Shin Bet issued a statement Wednesday confirming its agents … Click to Continue »

Музыкальные новости
Сергей Брановицкий

Продвижение Музыки. Раскрутка Музыки. Продвижение Песни. Раскрутка Песни.

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Анфиса Чехова

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

AG responds to calls to drop affordable care lawsuit

Tacoma Tribune News 

North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem has formally responded to state Democratic leaders who want him to withdraw from a lawsuit that seeks to invalidate former President Barack Obama's health … Click to Continue »

British police: crash suspect is Briton of Sudanese origin

Tacoma Tribune News 

British authorities said Wednesday they are considering turning the area around Parliament into a pedestrian zone to prevent future vehicle attacks as police searched three properties for clues about the … Click to Continue »

Delaware police chief loses bid to omit DUI case evidence

Tacoma Tribune News 

A Delaware police chief has lost his bid to suppress evidence from a DUI investigation. The Delaware State News reports that Clayton Police Chief Brian C. Hill argued that state … Click to Continue »

Man shoots wife, then kills himself after police chase

Tacoma Tribune News 

Authorities say a Pennsylvania man shot his wife and then led police on a chase through Philadelphia before fatally shooting himself. The 41-year-old man went to the woman's Upper Chichester … Click to Continue »

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