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Tacoma Tribune News

Новости за 12.08.2018

WSDOT to close East Pierce County bridge for a month

Tacoma Tribune News 

Washington state Department of Transportation engineers will close one of the bridges along state Route 162 for a month starting next week. Crews will be repairing the deck and inspecting … Click to Continue »

Latest: Rally victim’s mom: ‘Still so much healing to do’

Tacoma Tribune News 

The Latest on events marking the anniversary of violent white nationalist rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia (all times local): 2:30 p.m. More than 1,000 protesters are gathered in Freedom Plaza near … Click to Continue »

North Dakota, feds battle with Missouri over river project

Tacoma Tribune News 

Attorneys for North Dakota and the federal government are asking an appeals court to reject the state of Missouri's challenge to a massive upstream Missouri River water project. The $244 … Click to Continue »

‘Babe’ Schwartz, longtime Texas state senator, dies

Tacoma Tribune News 

A.R. "Babe" Schwartz, a longtime liberal state senator with a reputation of being one of the most formidable orators in the Texas Legislature, has died at age 92. His son, … Click to Continue »

Eagan businesses mull impact of Vikings training camp

Tacoma Tribune News 

Eagan businesses are working to assess the economic impact of being the new home of the Minnesota Vikings' training camp. Some Eagan businesses have found that the number of visitors … Click to Continue »

Museum to honor Green Bay Packers’ first black players

Tacoma Tribune News 

A Wisconsin museum is highlighting the contribution of the Green Bay Packers' first African-American players in a new exhibit, as the team the gears up to celebrate its centenary in … Click to Continue »

The Latest: Death toll from Syria blast climbs to 36

Tacoma Tribune News 

The Latest on the Syrian conflict (all times local): 4:30 p.m. Syrian opposition activists say a mysterious blast in the country's north has killed at least 36 people, including children. … Click to Continue »

Local inaugural croquet event recalls a bygone

Tacoma Tribune News 

Sunday afternoon and the buzz of conversation in the garden, the rustle of tweed, the gentle thwack of mallet striking ball: croquet season in Meadville. And for those who couldn't … Click to Continue »

The Latest: Ige wins Hawaii Democratic governor primary

Tacoma Tribune News 

The Latest on the primary election (all times local): 10:27 p.m. Hawaii Gov. David Ige has won the Democratic primary in his bid for a second term in office, defeating … Click to Continue »

Ex-congressman wins Hawaii Democratic primary for Congress

Tacoma Tribune News 

Former Congressman Ed Case emerged from a crowded field on Saturday to win the Democratic Party primary to represent Honolulu in Congress. The 65-year-old fiscal conservative defeated five other major … Click to Continue »

The Latest: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard wins party nod for House seat

Tacoma Tribune News 

The Latest on the primary election (all times local): 7:38 p.m. U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard won the Democratic nomination for Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District. Gabbard defeated Sherry Alu Campagna on … Click to Continue »

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Вячеслав Бутусов

Удачные выходные в Воронеже: Вячеслав Бутусов, выставка «Агитпоезд» и экскурсия «Мир! Труд! Май!»

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GOP uncertain as Rep. Chris Collins ends re-election bid

Tacoma Tribune News 

U.S. Rep. Chris Collins ended his re-election bid Saturday, days after his indictment on insider trading charges, a move that raised questions about how the Republican Party might replace him … Click to Continue »

Remote plane crash scene on Ketron Island difficult to access

Tacoma Tribune News 

The stolen turboprop plane went down in a remote area of sparsely populated Ketron Island, covered with heavy brush and trees. The crash site was off-limits to all but official personnel. … Click to Continue »

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