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Новости за 25.02.2024

Pippen “Embarrassing Himself” With Latest Episode In His Feud With Jordan


Michael Jordan’s “The Last Dance” took the internet by storm during the COVID-19 pandemic, surpassing 5.6 million views across ten episodes in 2020. While many enjoyed the behind-the-scenes look into one of the greatest athletes of all and one of the most impressive dynasties ever, some took exception to how things were portrayed. Several teammates, […]

Is Caleb Williams Overrated? Former NFL QB Argues It’s The Opposite


Every so often, a quarterback prospect comes around who is surrounded by loads of hype. People believe he will be the next big thing in the NFL. It started in 1983 with John Elway. Since then, others like Troy Aikman, Jeff George, Peyton Manning, Andrew Luck, and Trevor Lawrence have received similar treatment. It feels […]

Dylan Cease Trade Rumors: White Sox And Yankees Negotiate


While the White Sox still have not traded Dylan Cease, this offseason saga has a new development. Per Bob Nightengale of USA Today, the Yankees “would prefer to trade for Cease instead of signing free agent Blake Snell, but they are at a standstill with the White Sox. They refuse to part with top outfield […]

Former Execs Say Combine Interviews Could Shift Chicago Bears QB Choice


If you trust the national media guys, it sure sounds like the Chicago Bears have made their decision at quarterback. Justin Fields will be traded at some point in the next few weeks. Then they will take their guy at #1 overall, and everybody believes that will be Caleb Williams. GM Ryan Poles wants to […]

Momentum Could Be Building For Possible Jaylon Johnson Contract Extension


Since the end of the 2023 NFL season, there has been little news regarding a contract extension for Chicago Bears All-Pro cornerback Jaylon Johnson. Bears GM Ryan Poles assured during his end-of-season press conference that Johnson would remain with the team, stating, “Jaylon isn’t going anywhere.” While some speculated this implied the Bears might use […]

Justin Fields Reveals His One Goal For 2024 Season


No matter which team Justin Fields is on for the upcoming season, his focus remains on a single goal. When asked about his aspirations for the next year during a recent episode of the St. Brown Brothers Podcast, Fields responded with one objective. “I am not gonna lie, I gotta get in the playoffs.. I […]

Cody Bellinger Plays Huge Role In Cubs’ Future


Good Morning, Chicago. It is February 25th, and the Chicago Cubs have signed Cody Bellinger to a three-year deal worth up to $80 million. The contract includes opt-outs after the first two $30 million years. Bellinger returns to the Cubs in hopes of continuing on their path of competing for a playoff spot in 2024 […]

Comedian Shane Gillis Absolutely Skewered Packers Fans On SNL


Chicago Bears fans always seem to take hits from the national media. It’s been this way since Saturday Night Live debuted the iconic Bill Swerski’s Superfans back in the 1980s. Since then, people have always thought Bears fans are nothing but a bunch of overweight alcoholics who think their team is capable of god-like feats. […]

Cubs Officially Sign Cody Bellinger


HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Cody Bellinger is back with the Cubs. LET’S GOOOOOO! What an absolute midnight Jeff Passan bomb! More details from Passan.

Sounds Like Shady S**t Is Going On With Chicago Bears Stadium Talks


The Chicago Bears are working towards finding a new home for their team. Soldier Field has hosted them for over 50 years. However, the size and outdated look of the stadium, along with tense relations with the Chicago Park District, led them to purchase the Arlington Park property in Arlington Heights. Everybody felt it was […]

Overlooked Combine Names The Chicago Bears Likely Have Circled


The scouting combine is almost at hand. This is where prospects get a chance to fortify their draft standing with standout performances in athletic drills. While some teams don’t want to put too much value in test scores, it is still a valuable tool to help indicate the best athletes. After two years of watching […]

Draft Expert Sees Ryan Poles Doing Something Very Rare With 9th Pick


In all the madness surrounding what the Chicago Bears will do at #1 overall this April, it is so easy to forget that GM Ryan Poles also has to figure out what he’ll do with the #9 pick. It is rare for teams to have two picks in the top 10 in one year without […]

Спорт в России и мире

Результаты забега на 5 км на Московском полумарафоне. Аплачкина и Голоктионов установили рекорды соревнований


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Андрей Рублёв

Рублёв победил Давидович-Фокину в 3-м круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде, отыгравшись с 0:5 на тай-брейке


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Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

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Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

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Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Певица Анастасия Стоцкая появилась на публике в откровенном наряде


Эстафета поколений и победителей. В Ульяновске отметили юбилейный праздник спорта

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