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Новости за 18.02.2024

Chad Johnson Delivers Biggest WTF Bears Prediction You’ll Ever Hear


Everybody has an opinion on what the Chicago Bears will do at quarterback this off-season. It boils down to one of two things for most. Based on information from several top insiders, the likeliest is that they will trade Justin Fields to the highest bidder and select their preferred quarterback at #1 overall. Caleb Williams […]

Chicago Bears Reportedly Split On What To Do With 9th Overall Pick


The Chicago Bears have an enviable situation on their hands. Thanks to some masterful wheeling and dealing by GM Ryan Poles, the team now holds two top 10 picks in the 2024 draft, the #1 pick and the #9 pick. If they stay put, it will be the first time since 1979 that the Bears […]

Potential Trade Target: Justin Fields On Radar For Team Holding Top Pick


There’s significant buzz about the Chicago Bears current quarterback, Justin Fields, and it’s completely warranted. The Bears will likely dominate discussions leading up to the draft and during free agency until they make a decision about arguably the most crucial position in football. Recently, Doug Kyed, a New England Patriots beat reporter for the Boston […]

QB Expert Reveals The Heavy Favorite For A Justin Fields Trade


Before the Chicago Bears decide which quarterback to pick with the #1 draft selection in April, they must figure out what to do with Justin Fields. Recent rumors would have you think there is a possibility GM Ryan Poles looks to keep the embattled starter. He could serve as an excellent bridge, giving the next […]

Ryan Poles Almost Lost Two Of His Top Lieutenants At The Same Time


A general manager is only as good as the people he puts around him. Being a smart GM is a good thing. However, having equally intelligent people in your front office can be a huge advantage. It appears the NFL has become aware that the Chicago Bears GM did precisely that when he retooled the […]

Former Chicago Bears Exec Lists Surprise Name As Free Agent Target


When discussing the Chicago Bears’ list of roster priorities going into this spring, people gravitate to the well-known ones. Quarterback is obvious. Wide receiver, center, and edge rusher follow close behind. Those have been discussed at length already. One that hasn’t gotten enough attention is safety. That will change now that the team has released […]

USC Has Served The Chicago Bears Well In The 1st Round Before


One thing people often do with draft prospects is connect them to the programs they play for and make assessments of their NFL chances based on that. This is especially true for the quarterback position. There was tons of backlash at the Chicago Bears when they took Mitch Trubisky in 2017. After all, no North […]

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