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Новости за 19.01.2024

New Players Added To Draft Bode Well For Bears


The deadline to declare for the 2024 draft passed recently. Some players need to be granted special eligibility. To Clarify, here is the definition of Special Eligibility: Players who are at least three years removed from their senior year of high school are eligible for the NFL draft. Players can request special eligibility from the league […]

One Reason The Chicago Bears OC Search Might Be Taking So Long


The Chicago Bears made sweeping changes to their offensive coaching staff on January 10th, headlined by the dismissal of Luke Getsy as offensive coordinator. It has been 19 days since then, and the Bears still haven’t found his replacement. As of writing this, the organization has spoken to nine different candidates about the position. No […]

Greg Roman Wouldn’t Be Good For Justin Fields’ Long-Term Success In The League


The Chicago Bears continue their search for their current offensive coordinator vacancy following the firing of coordinator Luke Getsy last week. General manager Ryan Poles is conducting a thorough interview process with the likes of Shane Waldron, Greg Olson, Liam Cohen, Klint Kubiak, and Greg Roman as one of the most significant aspects of the […]

QB Expert Feels Caleb Williams Was Actually Sabotaged At USC


Caleb Williams is the heavy favorite to be the first quarterback off the board in the 2024 NFL draft this spring. The Chicago Bears hold the #1 pick. It feels like they are ready to move on from Justin Fields. Almost everybody thinks Williams is the guy. However, some are reluctant to buy in. After […]

Two More Free Agents Cubs Are Interested in Signing


The offseason wishlist of relievers may be coming into focus for the Chicago Cubs, as a few names have now been repeatedly connected to them. You can now also add two more free agents the Cubs are interested in signing. Earlier this week, Bruce Levine mentioned a trio of right-handed relievers that are on the […]

New Patriots Head Coach Just Helped Chicago Bears’ Trade Leverage


Chicago Bears GM Ryan Poles stated that his decision regarding the #1 overall pick likely won’t be made nearly as fast as last year when he traded it to Carolina on March 10th. There is a strong likelihood that this one will go all the way to April. That is for two reasons. The first […]

Bears Meeting Kliff Kingsbury May Have Ulterior Motive


Ryan Poles said his goal isn’t to scout talent at quarterback in the 2024 draft once the off-season gets going next month. He’s already done that over the course of the past year. His job is to scout the personalities. Playing quarterback in the NFL is hard. Playing it in Chicago is even harder. That […]

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