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Новости за 14.01.2024

Newly-Revealed Chicago Bears OC Target Described As “Serious” Candidate


The Chicago Bears offensive coordinator search started on a somewhat predictable path. Their first two interview requests went toward experienced NFL playcallers in Shane Waldron and Klint Kubiak. Both have had success with the call sheet on other teams and have experience in the type of offense Chicago runs. However, their third target was a […]

Montez Sweat’s Latest Social Media Post Will Bring A Smile to DJ Moore’s Face


The midseason trade for Montez Sweat looks increasingly better every day for the Chicago Bears. They traded a second-round pick for Sweat, who has made NFL history by leading two franchises in sacks in the same season. His impact on the Bears defense is evident, and he has emerged as a respected leader in the […]

Even Bears Teammates Agree With Fan Theory About Velus Jones


Velus Jones is widely viewed as a bust for the Chicago Bears. The former 3rd round pick from Tennessee came into the league with lots of potential. His mixture of size and speed was hard to deny. He could give the Bears offense some much-needed explosiveness. Not to mention, he was an instant upgrade to […]

Ryan Poles Gave The Real Reason He Retained Matt Eberflus


Bill Belichick. Mike Vrabel. Jim Harbaugh. There are some high-quality coaches available this off-season. To many Chicago Bears fans, it felt like a golden opportunity to reset everybody. Grab one of the big names, replace the staff, and go get that new quarterback in the 2024 draft. The problem is the one person who needed […]

Divisive Name Interested In Chicago Bears Offensive Coordinator Job


Four coaches have already been revealed as candidates for the Chicago Bears offensive coordinator job. All of them carry similar credentials. They have playcalling experience and have shown an ability to work well with quarterbacks. The list will likely keep growing with more names as head coach Matt Eberflus and GM Ryan Poles look to […]

Chicago Bears’ List Of O-Coordinator Targets Hints At QB Intentions


The Chicago Bears have lined up interviews with four potential offensive coordinator candidates to replace Luke Getsy. Each of those names has certain things in common. They all have previous playcalling experience, which was a major criticism of the Getsy hire two years ago. Each man also has spent time learning and coaching the Shanahan/McVay […]

Kevin Warren Just Made His First Major Change To Bears Power Structure


Kevin Warren took over as team president in January of 2023. He didn’t make any changes to the organization at the time. He wanted to take some time to get the lay of the land, meet everybody in the building, and decide where some restructuring might be needed. The general feeling was Warren would desire […]

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

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Поездам прибавляют ходу // Как может сократиться время пути от Москвы до курортов на Черном море

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Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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