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Новости за 25.12.2015

Iraqi forces set for final push against IS in Ramadi


Iraqi troops who have fought their way deep into the Islamic State stronghold of Ramadi are consolidating their positions ahead of a planned final assault to recapture the city from the militants. Mana Rabiee reports.

Iraqi forces set for final push against IS in Ramadi


Iraqi troops who have fought their way deep into the Islamic State stronghold of Ramadi are consolidating their positions ahead of a planned final assault to recapture the city from the militants. Mana Rabiee reports.

Iraqi forces set for final push against IS in Ramadi


Iraqi troops who have fought their way deep into the Islamic State stronghold of Ramadi are consolidating their positions ahead of a planned final assault to recapture the city from the militants. Mana Rabiee reports.

Iraqi forces set for final push against IS in Ramadi


Iraqi troops who have fought their way deep into the Islamic State stronghold of Ramadi are consolidating their positions ahead of a planned final assault to recapture the city from the militants. Mana Rabiee reports.

No need to avoid 'happy baby pose' in prenatal yoga?


(Reuters Health) - Even though women are often advised to steer clear of certain yoga poses late in pregnancy, many of these moves might not be a problem for women or their babies, a small U.S. study suggests.

No need to avoid 'happy baby pose' in prenatal yoga?


(Reuters Health) - Even though women are often advised to steer clear of certain yoga poses late in pregnancy, many of these moves might not be a problem for women or their babies, a small U.S. study suggests.

Strong earthquake hits northeast Afghanistan


KABUL (Reuters) - A 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit northern Afghanistan and Pakistan late on Friday, two months after more than 300 people were killed by a quake in the same mountainous region.

Strong earthquake hits northeast Afghanistan


KABUL (Reuters) - A 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit northern Afghanistan and Pakistan late on Friday, two months after more than 300 people were killed by a quake in the same mountainous region.

French journalist at L'Obs to be expelled from China


PARIS (Reuters) - China will expel a French journalist who criticized its treatment of its Muslim Uighur minority in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, her employer, the weekly l'Obs news magazine said on Friday.

Air strike kills top Syrian rebel leader on edge of Damascus


BEIRUT (Reuters) - The head of the most powerful Syrian insurgent group in the rebel-held suburbs of Damascus was killed on Friday in a Russian air strike on the secret headquarters of his group, rebel sources said.

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A hug and high tea: Indian PM makes surprise visit to Pakistan


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes a surprise stopover in Pakistan to meet his counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, in the first such high-level meeting between the nuclear-armed rival nations in over a decade. Mana Rabiee reports.

A hug and high tea: Indian PM makes surprise visit to Pakistan


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes a surprise stopover in Pakistan to meet his counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, in the first such high-level meeting between the nuclear-armed rival nations in over a decade. Mana Rabiee reports.

A hug and high tea: Indian PM makes surprise visit to Pakistan


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes a surprise stopover in Pakistan to meet his counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, in the first such high-level meeting between the nuclear-armed rival nations in over a decade. Mana Rabiee reports.

A hug and high tea: Indian PM makes surprise visit to Pakistan


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi makes a surprise stopover in Pakistan to meet his counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, in the first such high-level meeting between the nuclear-armed rival nations in over a decade. Mana Rabiee reports.

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