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Новости за 18.12.2015

HealthCare.gov signs up 6 million for Jan. 1 insurance


NEW YORK, Dec 18 (Reuters) - About 6 million people have signed up for health insurance on the website HealthCare.gov, including 2.4 million new customers, for coverage effective Jan. 1, 2016, the U.S. government said on Friday.

Europe refugee numbers near one million for 2015: IOM


The International Organization for Migration expects the total number of refugees entering Europe in 2015 to reach one million within the next two weeks, as yet more ferries carrying refugees arrive in the Greek port of Piraeus. Nathan Frandino reports.

Europe refugee numbers near one million for 2015: IOM


The International Organization for Migration expects the total number of refugees entering Europe in 2015 to reach one million within the next two weeks, as yet more ferries carrying refugees arrive in the Greek port of Piraeus. Nathan Frandino reports.

Europe refugee numbers near one million for 2015: IOM


The International Organization for Migration expects the total number of refugees entering Europe in 2015 to reach one million within the next two weeks, as yet more ferries carrying refugees arrive in the Greek port of Piraeus. Nathan Frandino reports.

Europe refugee numbers near one million for 2015: IOM


The International Organization for Migration expects the total number of refugees entering Europe in 2015 to reach one million within the next two weeks, as yet more ferries carrying refugees arrive in the Greek port of Piraeus. Nathan Frandino reports.

"We are going to defeat" IS - Obama


President Obama said there were signs of progress in the U.S.-led campaign against IS and that they would eventually be defeated. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

"We are going to defeat" IS - Obama


President Obama said there were signs of progress in the U.S.-led campaign against IS and that they would eventually be defeated. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

"We are going to defeat" IS - Obama


President Obama said there were signs of progress in the U.S.-led campaign against IS and that they would eventually be defeated. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

"We are going to defeat" IS - Obama


President Obama said there were signs of progress in the U.S.-led campaign against IS and that they would eventually be defeated. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

"We are going to defeat" IS - Obama


President Obama said there were signs of progress in the U.S.-led campaign against IS and that they would eventually be defeated. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

UPDATE 1-Brazil speeds leniency for corrupt firms to save jobs


BRASILIA, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff issued a decree on Friday aimed at speeding up a process allowing construction companies involved in a major corruption scandal to regain the right to receive government money, a move she says will protect jobs.

U.N. veto powers agree endorsement of Syria peace process


UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The five United Nations Security Council veto powers have agreed the text of a draft resolution to endorse an international roadmap for a Syria peace process and the 15-member body is expected to adopt it later on Friday, diplomats said.

Exclusive: U.S. Justice Department probes data breach at Uber - sources


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice is pursuing a criminal investigation of a May 2014 data breach at ride service Uber, including an examination of whether any employees at competitor Lyft were involved in the episode, sources familiar with the situation said.

Heartburn drugs affect gut bacteria, which may promote infection


(Reuters Health) - Common drugs to reduce stomach acid and treat acid reflux also change the populations of microbes living in the intestines, which may help explain why they increase the risk of certain infections, according to a new study.

Heartburn drugs affect gut bacteria, which may promote infection


(Reuters Health) - Common drugs to reduce stomach acid and treat acid reflux also change the populations of microbes living in the intestines, which may help explain why they increase the risk of certain infections, according to a new study.

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Cuba is willing to keep improving ties with U.S., says Raul Castro


HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba is willing to keep improving relations with the United States but there are still areas where no progress has been made yet, Cuban President Raul Castro said in a speech broadcast on Friday, a day after the anniversary of landmark detente with Washington.

Autism may strain family life even before children are diagnosed


(Reuters Health) - Autism may strain family life even before children are diagnosed with the disorder, according to a new study that suggests caregivers and patients alike may benefit from treatment tailored to specific sources of stress in the household.

Autism may strain family life even before children are diagnosed


(Reuters Health) - Autism may strain family life even before children are diagnosed with the disorder, according to a new study that suggests caregivers and patients alike may benefit from treatment tailored to specific sources of stress in the household.

UPDATE 2-U.S. oil drillers add rigs for 1st week in five - Baker Hughes


(Adds quotes from head of oil consultancy) Dec 18 (Reuters) - U.S. energy firms this week added the most oil rigs since July, breaking a string of four weekly declines, data showed on Friday, despite a collapse in crude prices. Drillers added 17 oil rigs in the week ended Dec. 18, bringing the total up to 541, oil services company Baker Hughes Inc said in its closely followed report. That is about a third of the 1,536 oil rigs operating in same week a year ago. Since the end of th

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Валерий Гергиев

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Студентам Богородского округа рассказали об истории родного края

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