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Новости за 16.07.2016

Report: Von Miller’s agent requested permission to seek trade


The “I knew all along a deal would get done” crowd did a victory lap on Friday after the Broncos re-signed linebacker Von Miller. However, a deal that many thought was inevitable didn’t happen without some serious hiccups and/or other bothersome bodily functions. According to Mike Klis of 9news.com, the Broncos made the offer that…

Jahvid Best becomes first person with NFL experience to qualify for Summer Olympics


More than four years after his most recent concussion ended a once-promising NFL career, former Lions running back Jahvid Best returns to the top levels of athletic competition. He has been named to the St. Lucia track and field team for the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. Best, who will compete in the 100-meter dash, becomes the…

Frank Gore could spring up the all-time rushing list


Yes, Colts running back Frank Gore finds motivation in doubts about older running backs performing at a high level. He also finds motivation in the lure of eclipsing some of the old men who became all-time best players at the position. “Man, I could pass up some of the greats who already have yellow jackets,”…

Report: Kevin Garnett wants to play one more season, not sure if he can


The second Kevin Garnett steps on an NBA court next season, he will pass Kevin Willis and Robert Parish for the longest career in NBA history, having played 22 seasons. The question is, will he? The mind is willing but the flesh is weak, according to a new report from Steve Aschburner of NBA.com on KG’s […]

“Practical” guarantee for Von Miller arguably is $78.5 million


A day after the Broncos finally got linebacker Von Miller’s signature on a contract, there’s one point that needs to be made based on the structure of the deal. As a practical matter, Miller is likely guaranteed to make at least $78 million under the contract. The math is basic, which once again qualifies me…

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Wilkerson likely to start Jets camp on physically unable to perform list


Jets defensive end Muhammad Wilkerson signed a long-term contract that makes him one of the highest-paid defensive players in the league on Friday, but Jets fans hoping to see him on the field at the start of training camp may have to be a little patient. Wilkerson, who broke his leg in Week 17 last…

Watch Ben Simmons 15 point, 10 rebound, 6 assist night in final Summer League game


Ben Simmons ended Summer League on a high note. Throughout his time in Utah and Las Vegas he showed tremendous promise and passing skills, but also the need for a lot of development. In his last game Sunday night, he had his best game in Vegas with 15 points (on 5-of-15 shooting), 10 rebounds, and six […]

Panthers coordinator on Josh Norman: Part of the business, I wish him well


The Panthers decided to rescind cornerback Josh Norman’s franchise tag and let him leave for Washington this offseason, but there are no hard feelings toward Norman in Carolina. That’s the word from Panthers defensive coordinator Sean McDermott, who told the Charlotte Observer that he wants to see Norman continue to succeed on his new team.…

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Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

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Анастасия Волочкова

Shot: экс-бойфренда Волочковой подозревают в обмане московского бизнесмена


112: Денису Майданову стало плохо в театре на Суворовской площади в Москве

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