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Новости за 03.07.2016

McLendon says he’s his own man, isn’t focused on replacing Harrison


Steve McLendon knows he got a contract from the Jets to, at least on paper, fill the nose tackle spot vacated when Damon Harrison left in free agency. But McLendon told NJ.com he’s focused on being the best player he can be, not on being the next “Snacks” Harrison or even his true replacement. “He…

Report: Kings signing Anthony Tolliver to two-year, $16 million contract


The Kings have so many centers — DeMarcus Cousins, Willie-Cauley Stein, Kosta Koufos, Georgios Papagiannis and Skal Labissiere — some of them will likely have to play power forward. But when you play a center at power forward, you get… a center at power forward. So, Sacramento is adding a different type of power forward: Anthony Tolliver. […]

Mike DeVito on retiring: Continuing a “tough sell” to wife after injuries


When defensive end Mike DeVito retired after nine years in the NFL, he said there were “more important things in life than football” and talked about being able to spend more time with his family in the years to come. During an appearance on Sirius XM NFL Radio with Alex Marvez and Rick Neuheisel, DeVito…

Luck deal not relevant to Tyrod Taylor


When it comes to NFL quarterback contracts, a rising tide doesn’t necessarily lift all boats. Just ask Ryan Fitzpatrick, who gained no leverage from contracts given to players like Sam Bradford (two years, $35 million) and Brock Osweiler (four years, $72 million). Ultimately, a quarterback’s value is driven not by what others have gotten, but by…

Report: Nets to sign Heat’s Tyler Johnson to four-year, $50 million offer sheet


The Heat have Hassan Whiteside committed to a max (or so) contract. They want to sign Kevin Durant. Oh, and they have to squeeze in an increasingly impatient Dwyane Wade. So, the Nets are putting the screws to Miami with Tyler Johnson. Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports: Miami Heat restricted free-agent guard Tyler Johnson has […]

Музыкальные новости

Красноярцы и Джиган рассмешили Артемия Лебедева и вышли в финал «Звезд»

Персональные новости

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии авиастроения

Report: Jazz trading Trey Burke to Wizards


The Wizards’ seemingly eternal search for a backup point guard behind John Wall continues. With Ramon Sessions and Garrett Temple free agents, Washington is turning to Trey Burke. Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports: The Utah Jazz are finalizing a deal to send guard Trey Burke to the Washington Wizards for a future pick, league sources […]

Cowboys’ coaches reportedly furious Rolando McClain skipped OTAs


Once again, there’s word out of Dallas that the Cowboys’ coaching staff is not seeing eye-to-eye with owner and G.M. Jerry Jones over troubled linebacker Rolando McClain. This time, it comes from a column in the Dallas Morning News that describes the Cowboys’ coaches as “infuriated” by McClain’s absence. The column incorrectly states that McClain’s…

Manu Ginobili says he’ll play next season


Manu Ginobili opted out, but he wants to get back in. Ginobili plans to play next season, he wrote on his blog. It’d be a major shock if it’s anywhere outside San Antonio, his only team in a 14-year NBA career. The Spurs have Ginobili’s Bird Rights, so they can exceed the cap to give him any contract […]

Спорт в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»


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Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

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