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Новости за 31.03.2016

Bears to sign Omar Bolden


Another Bronco is poised to become a Bear. The Bears are signing safety Omar Bolden, Troy Renck of the Denver Post reports. It’s a one-year, $760,000 deal. Bolden has played his entire four-year career with the Broncos. The move reunites Bolden with former Broncos coach John Fox, and would continue a trend of the Bears…

Matt Ryan, at 30, says he’s just hitting his stride


For most running backs, the 30th birthday has become the witching hour. For quarterbacks, it’s becoming the point at which a career enters a new level of possibly high-end performance. “I think I’m just hitting my stride,” Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan tells Alex Marvez of FOXSports.com. “I feel like I’m in the best shape of…

Kansas sharpshooter Brannen Greene declares for NBA draft, to hire agent


When a college coach calls a player’s dunk “the biggest dick move I’ve ever had a player do during a game,” it’s usually a decent sign that player will be moving on soon enough. Kansas release: Following a three-year college career, Kansas men’s basketball guard Brannen Greene has declared for the 2016 NBA Draft and […]

Zimmer likes former first-round draft picks


Patriots coach Bill Belichick has added a quartet of former first-round picks this offseason. Vikings coach Mike Zimmer approves of that approach. “I like having first-round draft picks that leave other places,” Zimmer recently said, via 1500espn.com. “Because they have pedigrees.” The Vikings, as noted by Andrew Krammer of 1500espn.com, had six former first-round picks…

Dolphins sign veteran running back Isaiah Pead


The Dolphins have found a running back who has agreed to take their money. They’ll still be looking. According to Alex Marvez of FOX Sports, the Dolphins are signing veteran running back Isaiah Pead. Pead was cut early last year by the Rams, and spent three weeks with the Steelers after Le’Veon Bell was injured,…

Report: D’Angelo Russell has yet to apologize directly to Nick Young


D'Angelo Russell has seemingly said all the right things in the wake of his Nick Young video. Except to Young – yet, at least. Mark Medina of the Los Angeles Daily News: D’Angelo Russell expressed his regret over secretly recording a video that went public of teammate Nick Young admitting infidelities to his fiance, Iggay […]

Raiders looking to trade tight end Mychal Rivera


Raiders tight end Mychal Rivera may not be in Oakland much longer. The Raiders are expected to make Rivera available via trade before the draft, Adam Schefter of ESPN reports. A 2013 sixth-round draft pick, the 25-year-old Rivera is due a $1.671 million salary this season in the final year of his rookie contract. Rivera…

Kyrie Irving says he and Kehlani were no longer dating when photo was posted, is focused on basketball


As if LeBron James hadn’t done enough to distract from the Cavaliers’ season, Kyrie Irving has his own off-court saga. Irving had been known to be dating singer Kehlani. Monday, rapper/singer PartyNextDoor – who previously dated Kehlani – posted a since-deleted photo from his bed showing a hand with tattoos matching Kehlani’s. The caption: “After […]

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Kevin Durant: Thunder would’ve ‘beat the hell out of’ Reggie Jackson’s Pistons if I, Serge Ibaka played


Russell Westbrook called Reggie Jackson‘s celebration at the end of the Pistons win over the Thunder on Tuesday “some real bullshit.” Unsurprisingly, Kevin Durant – who sat out the game with Serge Ibaka to rest – sided with Westbrook over their former teammate. The only unexpected turn is the level of Durant’s anti-Jackson conviction. Erik […]

Steelers add defensive line depth with Ricardo Mathews


The Steelers need to do most of the work on their secondary, but they’ve added some depth to their defensive line. The team announced they had signed defensive end Ricardo Mathews to a one-year contract. Mathews started seven games for the Chargers last year, but is a depth addition for the Steelers. He was originally a…

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