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Новости за 23.03.2016

Goodell expects to hear Chiefs tampering appeal before draft


Chiefs owner Clark Hunt confirmed this week that the Chiefs are appealing the NFL’s ruling that they tampered with wide receiver Jeremy Maclin before signing him as a free agent last year. The Chiefs have been stripped of this year’s third-round pick and next year’s sixth-round pick in addition to a $250,000 fine and fines…

Jay Gruden: RGIII has to master the dropback passing game


Washington coach Jay Gruden has some advice for his former quarterback, Robert Griffin III: Learn how to pass from the pocket. Gruden said at today’s league meeting that he thinks Griffin is fully recovered from the knee injury he suffered at the end of his rookie year, and capable of making plays with his legs…

Erin Henderson to re-sign with Jets


The New York Jets are bringing back linebacker Erin Henderson. According to Dom Cosentino of the Newark Star-Ledger, the Jets have reached a deal with Henderson worth $5 million over two years with $750,000 guaranteed. Henderson revitalized his career with the Jets last season after being out of the league in 2014. Henderson was released…

Lions expect DeAndre Levy to return to form in 2016


The Lions signed linebacker DeAndre Levy to a four-year contract extension before the 2015 season, but a hip injury kept Levy from making good on the investment on the field. Levy missed the first four games of the season and then aggravated the injury in his return to the lineup, which led to surgery and…

Steve Bisciotti: Eugene Monroe is our left tackle


There was some speculation heading into the offseason about the Ravens moving on without left tackle Eugene Monroe, who is set to count $8.7 million against the cap after missing 15 games the last two seasons because of injuries. The Ravens didn’t pick up anyone who makes an obvious replacement for Monroe in free agency,…

John Wall displeased Wizards haven’t already cinched playoff berth


John Wall set a high goal for last season for the Wizards – reaching the NBA Finals. If Wall didn’t get hurt, maybe Washington would have beat the Hawks in the second round. But it’s tough to see the Wizards overcoming the Cavaliers in the conference finals. Still, Wall again set a high bar for […]

Blandino on ejection rule: Officials need to see the entire act


The NFL voted Wednesday to institute a one-year trial of a rule calling for players to be ejected if they are flagged for two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties in the same game. The rule, which would have resulted in two ejections during the 2015 season, is aimed at curbing things like abusive language toward officials, taunting…

Matt Barnes admits he doesn’t know all his Grizzlies teammates’ last names


Xavier Munford, Alex Stepheson and Briante Weber are so anonymous, these are their photos on the Grizzlies’ official roster page:   As Memphis has churned through player after player due to trades and injuries, Matt Barnes can’t keep up. Barnes, via J.A. Adande of ESPN (hat tip: James Herbert of CBSSports.com): “With all due respect, […]

Dean Blandino: “Human element” should remain part of officiating


As the NFL continues to use technology to improve officiating, there’s increasing talk that some day the league might put an official in a booth above the field, watching the game on TV, and communicating instantly with the referee on the field without needing to stop the game and look at an instant replay. NFL…

T.J. Ward: We need a QB, but defense can make things all right


The identity of the Broncos’ starting quarterback for the first week of the regular season remains a mystery as does the full list of players who will be under consideration for the role. Mark Sanchez is the one contender for the job that we do know and it’s not one that appears to have safety…

Charley Rosen: ‘No chance’ Phil Jackson will coach Knicks


The idea of Phil Jackson coaching only the Knicks’ home games next season? Not only did Carmelo Anthony reject it, the New York forward dismissed Jackson coaching at all. Melo, via Ian Begley of ESPN: “Phil ain’t coaching no more man,” Anthony said after Tuesday’s practice. “So let’s dead that rumor. Phil ain’t coaching no […]

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Arians: Getting Chandler Jones “cured” our pass rush


The Cardinals pulled off a trade for Chandler Jones this month that surprised many people because there wasn’t much indication the Patriots were trying to deal Jones. Count Cardinals coach Bruce Arians among those caught off guard. Arians said Wednesday that Jones was an unexpected way for the team to satisfy its desire to improve…

Doug Pederson wants to keep some up-tempo parts of Eagles offense


The Eagles have parted ways with several players that played prominent roles when Chip Kelly was the coach of the team and their hiring of Doug Pederson as the new head coach pointed the team in a different direction offensively. Pederson comes from years working with Chiefs coach Andy Reid, whose offenses have never been…

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Якубко: в декабре все опять будут плеваться от календаря РПЛ, но это легко можно исправить


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6 городов России, где можно увидеть белые ночи кроме Санкт-Петербурга

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Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Led Zeppelin

Роберт Плант (Robert Plant) работает над новой версией классической песни Led Zeppelin


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