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Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com)

Новости за 20.11.2017

Girl dead, teen seriously injured in stabbing

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A girl was found dead and a teen boy was in serious condition after a stabbing this morning in the central valley, according to Metro Police. The Clark County Department of Family Services was conducting a welfare check about ...

Della Reese of TV's 'Touched by an Angel' dies at 86

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Della Reese, the actress and gospel-influenced singer who in middle age found her greatest fame as Tess, the wise angel in the long-running television drama "Touched by an Angel," has died at age 86. A family representative released a statement Monday that Reese ...

Health District reports flu death, spike in illness

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The Southern Nevada Health District today reported the first flu-related death of a child this season, amid a spike of flu activity in Clark County. The child was younger than 5 years old, the district said, but did not ...

U.S. declares North Korea a terror sponsor; new sanctions expected

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

President Donald Trump announced Monday the U.S. is putting North Korea's "murderous regime" on America's terrorism blacklist, despite questions about Pyongyang's support for international attacks beyond the assassination of ...

Scaramucci says don't rule out beltway return

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Anthony Scaramucci may be out at the White House, but the short-lived former communications director says his political career is not over. Scaramucci said in an interview that although he has not spoken to Trump in over a month, he talks to ...

Protect your kids from common ‘daycare diseases’

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

If it seems like your young children are getting sick all the time, it’s because they probably are. Infants and toddlers are especially prone to contracting diseases because their immune systems are in the early stages of development. Little ones in day care and preschool have an even higher risk.

Hospitality honcho: ‘There’s no room to be timid’

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The chairman of Armeni Enterprises and owner of Tipsy Robot, who also founded the Las Vegas Business Academy, offers advice that has served him for 40 years, tells us which U.S. president is his hero and breaks a musical stereotype about Italians.

The Data: Nov. 19-25, 2017

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

All of the information your business needs: Bid opportunities, bankruptcies filed and building permits issued. To add to our data, email us at research@vegasinc.com.

How courts bridge the language gap

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Interpreters must be able available to translate for clients in almost any language ...

Stores galore! A shopping season guide to Las Vegas retailers

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

For those who let the year slip by without purchasing a single Christmas gift, shopping season is very much here. And we couldn’t be happier, because Las Vegas rules at retail. From casino promenades to suburban complexes, the experiential firepower is widespread, and we’ll tell you how to ...

Activism is fueling change

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

This month, in a historic sweeping fashion, the U.S. saw progressive wins across local and state elections. In Virginia, the first transgender woman was elected into office and beat the man who wrote the controversial Virginia anti-transgender bathroom bill. Voters in Charlotte, N.C., for the first time elected a black woman as the city’s mayor, and in New Jersey, a Sikh American won the race to become the mayor of Hoboken. ...

Keeping up with technology is not optional

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Competition for attention increases with each passing year, and companies must offer enticing technology perks to grow their audience. Here are four trends in particular that meetings and convention facilities need to be aware of.

Before Rice matchup, Rebels showing lineup versatility

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

UNLV wants to play big this season. That’s no secret. But against Eastern Washington on Friday, the Rebels had to change gears and go in the opposite direction in order to improve to 3-0 ...

Музыкальные новости

Певец Андрей Губин дал интервью в маске и заявил, что стал очень плохо выглядеть

Персональные новости

Хоккейный турнир за Кубок Каменского стартовал в Воскресенске

Pick for chemical post a danger to our health

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

As a grandmother, and now great-grandmother, I know it’s up to me to protect my grandchildren, whether teaching them how to safely cross the street, feeding them healthy food or keeping an eye on them as they play outside. ...

Some big retailers are still betting on brick and mortar

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

For all the gloomy uncertainty that surrounds the industry’s future, stores will most likely remain at the heart of retailing for a long time — even as they evolve to meet the demands of the modern shopper ...

Voters must send message: We choose our lawmakers

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Candidates and political experts said that in supporting the “for cause” movement, voters sent a message that they should decide who holds elected offices ...

VEGAS INC, Cox Business honor Top Tech Execs

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The seventh annual Las Vegas Top Tech Exec Awards, a collaboration between Cox Business and VEGAS INC, recognize Southern Nevadans who are helping shape the future before our very eyes...

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Якутянин победил на первенстве России по настольному теннису


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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Париж решил показать, что такое ядерное сдерживание России по-французски

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Анастасия Волочкова

«Это будет для вас сюрприз и фурор!»: Анастасия Волочкова взяла с собой на Мальдивы свадебное платье


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