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Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com)

Новости за 07.11.2017

Police: Las Vegas man arrested after robbing casino 3 times

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Police say they have arrested a man who robbed a casino in Henderson three times, stealing more than $60,000. Henderson Police say Gregory Bolusan was armed with a handgun and demanded money from the casino cage at M Resort once in ...

Bundy trial delayed over surveillance video dispute

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A dispute over whether federal agents recorded video of embattled Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s home before an April 2014 standoff has delayed a federal court trial for ...

Metro Police kill suspect in double slaying

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A suspect in a double slaying at a house near Flamingo Road and Tenaya Way on Monday was shot and killed by SWAT officers who responded to a neighboring home hours later, according to Metro Police. Two officers shot the suspect about ...

Schiff says Trump, Russia threaten democracy

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The top Democrat on the House intelligence committee says "democracy is under threat" from Russia — and also from President Donald Trump. Rep. Adam Schiff told the Associated Press on Tuesday that ...

Man in grave condition after fire in North Las Vegas

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

A man was taken to University Medical Center in grave condition after an apartment fire in the 3500 block of Civic Center Drive, the North Las Vegas Fire Department reported this morning. The cause of the fire was ...

Donated cellphones give sexual assault victims a lifeline

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

“Unfortunately, these victims tend to be among the most vulnerable members of our society and without communication, their ability to recover immediately and in the long term is compromised."

Kai Nacua on Liberty community: 'They built me into the player I am today'

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Without Liberty, there wouldn’t be a NFL player. Without Nacua, who accounted for 26 touchdowns and was an all-state safety as a senior, Liberty wouldn’t be a local football power. He’s the first in the school’s 14-year history to have his jersey retired ...

State senator closer to recall as two other petitions near deadlines

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

One of three recall efforts targeting Nevada state senators is moving forward. The Secretary of State’s Office confirmed Saturday that the recall petition for Sen. Joyce Woodhouse, D-Henderson, had enough signatures to qualify for a special election. ...

Productive talks with NKorea are a fantasy

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

While North Korea would go on doing whatever it wished, short of testing, the Americans and South Koreans would have their hands tied. Talks, if Kim Jong Un agreed to them at all, would barely go beyond the handshake stage since the North Koreans have said repeatedly, “If there’s one topic we’re not going to discuss, it’s

Are drugs the
real danger?

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

After such a tragic occurrence as Nevadans and the nation witnessed on Oct. 1 in Las Vegas, many reacted to …

Trump facing
 awful decision

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Since 1950 we have been either at war or in conflict with North Korea, which has said it would destroy the United States. The last three presidents’ negotiations have …

What happens in Virginia will resonate nationally

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The contest between Democratic Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam and Republican Ed Gillespie matters for the state, of course, but its implications will be even larger for the …

Музыкальные новости

После резкого поста о Надежде Стрелец мама Тимати вступила в дискуссию с подписчиками и неожиданно упомянула Ксению Собчак

Персональные новости

Овчинников: «Зенит» психологически не готов драться за титул РПЛ

Blog: Golden Knights complete comeback, but fall short in shootout

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

The Golden Knights came up empty in three attempts during their first shootout in franchise history, falling 4-3 to the Toronto Maple Leafs Monday night. Despite the disappointing showing in the shootout, the Golden Knights did good to earn a point after falling behind 3-1 in the first period...

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Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов


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Экология в России и мире

Институт СТЭИ при поддержке Комитета общественных связей и молодежной политики города Москвы реализует проект "Вода Москвы"

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

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«Это будет для вас сюрприз и фурор!»: Анастасия Волочкова взяла с собой на Мальдивы свадебное платье


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