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«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com)

Новости за 31.10.2015

Gadgets are new gold this festive season

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The industrial city, one of the biggest consumers of gold in the state, has witnessed a drop in the sale of yellow metal, with consumers preferring electronic gadgets and other goods preferring to buy during festival season.

Residents want smart traffic, parking, environment

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Payal.Dhawan@timesgroup.Where city residents are concerned, Ludhiana would be far from smart if issues of traffic, parking, environment and law and order are not addressed.

Air quality getting worse by the year

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Data released recently by System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting Research (SAFAR) under the ministry of earth sciences shows the air quality in September has steadily worsened since 2011.

Recreating the world's first car

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Vintage cars have always been a passion for Diljeet Titus. And like many other enthusiasts, he was always fascinated by the 1886 Benz Motorwagen, famously known as the first horseless carriage. "I have 70 vintage cars.

Recreating the world's first car

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Vintage cars have always been a passion for Diljeet Titus. And like many other enthusiasts, he was always fascinated by the 1886 Benz Motorwagen, famously known as the first horseless carriage. "I have 70 vintage cars.

Recreating the world's first car

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Vintage cars have always been a passion for Diljeet Titus. And like many other enthusiasts, he was always fascinated by the 1886 Benz Motorwagen, famously known as the first horseless carriage. "I have 70 vintage cars.

Recreating the world's first car

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Vintage cars have always been a passion for Diljeet Titus. And like many other enthusiasts, he was always fascinated by the 1886 Benz Motorwagen, famously known as the first horseless carriage. "I have 70 vintage cars.

Anand's baby boom threatens to go bust

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

From lawyers who draw up contracts to hotels that house foreigners chasing the parenthood dream, Anand has an entire economy built around surrogacy.

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Фрэнк Синатра

Леонардо ДиКаприо споет голосом Фрэнка Синатры

Персональные новости

Якубко: в декабре все опять будут плеваться от календаря РПЛ, но это легко можно исправить

Anand's baby boom threatens to go bust

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

From lawyers who draw up contracts to hotels that house foreigners chasing the parenthood dream, Anand has an entire economy built around surrogacy.

Anand's baby boom threatens to go bust

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

From lawyers who draw up contracts to hotels that house foreigners chasing the parenthood dream, Anand has an entire economy built around surrogacy.

Anand's baby boom threatens to go bust

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

From lawyers who draw up contracts to hotels that house foreigners chasing the parenthood dream, Anand has an entire economy built around surrogacy.

Peeing in the Sydney Opera House?

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Until it was inaugurated early last month, nobody thought the two-storey structure coming up under the Nagerbazar flyover in north Kolkata's Dum Dum area would be a public toilet. But it isn't the first unusual loo in the city.

Peeing in the Sydney Opera House?

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Until it was inaugurated early last month, nobody thought the two-storey structure coming up under the Nagerbazar flyover in north Kolkata's Dum Dum area would be a public toilet. But it isn't the first unusual loo in the city.

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