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«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com)

Новости за 04.10.2015

Spectre of diseases haunts Gujarat

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

While malaria, dengue and swine flu continue to give health authorities in major Gujarat cities sleepless nights, cases of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) and Congo fever are emerging as the new worry factors for state health authorities.

Iron pillars set up along Khokhra bridge

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

After several decades of empathy western railway authorities on Sunday finally set up iron pillars along the length of the old Khokhra bridge to secure its damaged portion.

Congress demands President rule in Gujarat

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Criticizing the ordinance issued by the state government for giving it the power to delay local body elections, the Gujarat Congress on Sunday demanded President’s rule in the state.

Power woes, licences rule Colva gram sabha

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The ongoing electricity problems was the main topic of discussion at the Colva gram sabha held on Sunday. Aggrieved villagers discussed the frequent power fluctuations that are adversely affecting them, informed Colva sarpanch Snowkon Gonsalves.

Civic poll candidates hit campaign trail

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

A few candidates have already hit the campaign trail and commenced canvassing in Margao though no nominations have been filed yet.

Fish prices on the rise as festivities come to a close

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

With Ganesh Chaturthi festivities having come to an end and the tourist influx over thelong weekend, Goa’s appetite for fish is slowly growing. Fish prices are rising by the day with locals and fish vendors frustrated with the price rise

Keri’s eco warriors stage play on environment crisis

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

As a part of the wildlife week celebration organized by the Goa forest department, volunteers of the Vivekanad environment awareness brigade, Keri presented a street play on Saturday evening at Sanskruti Bhavan’s hall in Panaji. The play highlighted the increasing wildlife and environmental crisissituation.

Transport strike: Gujarat losses cross Rs 5,000 crore

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Losses to industries, the state government and transporters crossed Rs 5,000 crore as nationwide indefinite transporters’ strike entered the fourth day on Sunday.

Industries face raw materials crunch

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The maximum impact of transport strike has been seen on sectors such as petrochemicals, chemicals, FMCG and textile among others.

Why Mickky got six days set off his jail term

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Former Nuvem MLA Francisco Xavier ‘Mickky’ Pacheco got 6 days imprisonment set off from his six-month jail term from a local court in the junior engineer assault case as per the provisions in the criminal procedure code.

Vijoy vacates Karai bungalow

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

: Additional DGP Vipul Vijoy, who landed up in controversy after alleged confinement of 13 policemen and four drivers at the garage of his bungalow in Karai Academy has vacated the said bungalow and shifted to government bungalow near police officers mess in Shahibaugh with his family.

Gold imports in Gujarat dip by 80%

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Lack of demand, high prices in international market and availability in local markets led to less than five metric tonnes (MT) of gold imports in September this year.

Gold imports in Gujarat dip by 80%

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Lack of demand, high prices in international market and availability in local markets led to less than five metric tonnes (MT) of gold imports in September this year.

BJP MLA backs Hardik’s ‘advice’

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) convener Hardik Patel may have drawn flak from all quarters for his controversial “kill 2-5 policemen” advice to a Surat youth.

Rise in pesticide-laced vegetables across India

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

It is well-known that vegetables sold in major cities contain pesticides, but it has now emerged that these harmful chemicals are present in alarmingly high doses in greens across the country.

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Shwetang case: CID seeks forensic report

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

CID crime probing the custodial death of Patidar youth Shwetang Patel has written to the forensic experts to submit the injury report as soon as possible.

Yoga can be part of your life

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

It takes a certain amount of will to practice Yoga, and the same is true when it comes to leading one’s life.

HDFC Bank leads digital banking services in state

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Recognizing that digital and mobile banking is the way forward, India’s second largest private lender, HDFC bank has taken the lead in offering online and mobile banking services in Goa.

Sea, spirits and cuisine, a Sunday well-spent

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The Times of India’s Yatra.Com Times Passion Food Trail on Sunday took these elements and upped the Goan experience by several notches for a group of enthusiastic passion trailers, preregistered for the event.

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Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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