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«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com)

Новости за 23.12.2016

Board Member Of Audit Regulator PCAOB Resigns

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Member Jay D. Hanson notified the audit regulator on Friday of his resignation from its Board.

Rising Rates May Hurt Small-Cap Biotech ETF Valuations

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

The Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates for the second time in a decade and plans to raise rates three more times next year. With higher interest rates, investors may find small-cap biotechnology exchange traded funds that track companies banking on a breakthrough drug less appealing. While few development-stage companies fund their operations with debt…

Oil Settles at 17-Month High

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

U.S. oil prices closed at a 17-month high on Friday in quiet trade ahead of the Christmas and New Year holiday week, even though the gain was small, as the market waits to see how OPEC manages its planned output cuts with Libya expecting to boost production.

Why GNC Holdings Inc. Slumped Today

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Terrible recent results and major changes in GNC's loyalty program have prompted an analyst to slash his price target.

How Risky Is Home Depot Inc. Stock?

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Heavy exposure to the housing market means shareholders have to account for some unique challenges.

Improving Oil Prices Support High-Yield MLP ETFs

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Rebounding along with rising crude oil prices, master limited partnerships and related exchange traded funds are once again looking like an attractive yield-generating alternative. The JPMorgan Alerian MLP Index ETN (NYSEArca: AMJ) and the ALPS Alerian MLP ETF (NYSEArca: AMLP), the two largest MLP-related exchange traded products, are now up 16.9% and 15.3% year-to-date, respectively,…

Investors Are Avoiding Emerging Market ETFs

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Following Donald Trump’s presidential election win, exchange traded fund investors have been selling off their emerging market exposure as the U.S. dollar strengthened and protectionist rhetoric scared off traders. Net redemptions from emerging market equity funds hit a five-week high in the latest week, with investors yanking $3.7 billion from emerging stock funds in the…

Natural Gas ETFs Rally Ahead of Holiday Weekend

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Natural gas prices and commodity-related exchange traded funds jumped Friday as traders anticipated greater heating demand in the weeks ahead. On Friday, the United States Natural Gas Fund (NYSEArca: UNG) gained 3.3% and the iPath Bloomberg Natural Gas Subindex Total Return ETN (NYSEArca: GAZ) rose 5.0% as natural gas futures added 3.4% to $3.656 per…

The Best Internet-of-Things Stocks of 2016

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

As we close the book on what could become a defining year for the semiconductor market, here's how these 3 IoT stocks trounced the market in 2016.

Best Fashion Stocks of 2017

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Of the publicly traded fashion stocks, this is a list of some of the best clothing brands in the retail industry.

"Maintain, Don't Gain" Tip No. 5: Give Back!

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Volunteering and doing good works refills your emotional tank during this busy period, which can make it easier not to fill up in other ways.

A Gem Among New ETFs

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Savvy dividend investors know the utility of adding some international holdings to their income portfolios, whether by way of individual stocks or exchange traded funds (ETFs). The explanation is straight forward: Ex-U.S. developed market dividend payers often feature larger yields than their U.S. counterparts, an assertion proven by comparing large- and mega-cap dividend stocks from…

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Александр Бастрыкин

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Oil Falls on Profit-Taking Ahead of Holidays

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Oil slipped below $55 a barrel on Friday as a stronger U.S. dollar weighed on commodities and as higher Libyan output threatened to counter some of the supply cuts planned by OPEC and other producers.

What Is a Tax Audit?

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

The IRS doesn't always take the returns it receives at face value. If something looks suspicious on your tax return, you could be tagged for an audit.

Спорт в России и мире

В Московской области прошел чемпионат Центрального округа Росгвардии по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Мария Захарова раскритиковала высказывание Нэнси Пелоси о Путине и протестах в США

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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