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«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com)

Новости за 19.12.2016

Plug into Robotics with an ETF Strategy

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

As we improve our quality of life through technological innovations, robotics and automation could be the next quantum step for enhancing productivity. Investors can also tap into this growing industry through a targeted exchange traded fund. On the upcoming webcast, Plug into Robotics with an ETF Strategy, Henrick Christensen, Director of UC San Diego Contextual…

iShares to Split Popular Small-Cap ETF

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

BlackRock’s iShares unit, the world’s largest issuer of exchange traded funds, said it will split the popular iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF (NYSEArca: IJR). “The Board has approved a 2-for-1 split for this fund for shareholders of record as of the close of business on January 13, 2017, payable after the close of trading on…

Surprising Winners in 2016’s Metals Rally

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

When it comes to investing in metals, it is the precious variety, namely gold and silver, that command the most attention among investors and the financial precious. Indeed, gold and silver have enjoyed runs of success at various points this year, but some industrial metals are leading the way as 2016 draws to a close.…

These 2 Hated Dividend Stocks Are Buys

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

The damage has been done at these two high yielders, which is why is why you might want to consider buying them now

IMF's Lagarde found guilty in French tycoon payout trial

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

French judges on Monday found IMF chief Christine Lagarde guilty of negligence for failing to challenge a 400 million euro ($417 million) state arbitration payout to a business tycoon in 2008 when she was French finance minister.

College Enrollment Slumps

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Despite aggressive efforts nationwide to boost the number of people who attend college, enrollments declined this fall for the fifth straight year.

Electors Expected to Confirm Trump Victory

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

The U.S. Electoral College is expected on Monday to officially select Republican Donald Trump as the next president in a vote that is usually routine but takes place this year amid allegations of Russian hacking to try to influence the election.

Oil Prices Rise on More Balanced Market

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Oil prices rose on Monday as a weaker dollar and the delay of new Libyan oil exports boosted benchmarks, amid expectations of tighter crude supply going into 2017.

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«Спартак» набрал больше всех очков в играх с командами из верхней половины таблицы РПЛ

'Rogue One' Makes Soaring Debut

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

Walt Disney's "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" hit blockbuster status with light speed at the box office this weekend, collecting an estimated $155 million in the U.S. and Canada.

Australia and France insist on secrecy of new sub design

«FOX Business» (foxbusiness.com) 

The Australian and French defense ministers say they are giving top priority to concealing design details of a new Australian submarine after data was leaked from French shipbuilder DCNS about a submarine built for India.

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Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


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