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Новости за 17.04.2018

Lesson 1562- Life lessons I want my kids to know

Paper Blog 

When I was a child I constantly had two very distinct dreams.

One was about being able to breath under water.

The other was about a majestic flying white horse that always looked out for me.

I had those dreams so often that I came to recognize them as comforting thoughts. We had a pool in our yard and I just knew that nothing could happen to me in the pool, I’d be safe in the water. (It’s probably why I made sure that all my kids knew how to swim and were members of a swim team ... Читать дальше...

MIST - Debut Full-Length in June - Details and First Song released

Paper Blog 

MIST, the Slovenian priestesses of doom, return with their debut full-length!
"Free Me Of The Sun" will be released through Soulseller Records on 1st June 2018 on CD, vinyl and in digital formats.
Staying true to their traditional Doom Metal roots, the band builds upon strong riffs with bright female vocals and epic guitar solos. The album was recorded in Studio Ork, produced and mixed by Benjamin Kic and mastered by Patrick W. Engel ( Temple of Disharmony).
With this ...

Handy Tips For Taking Your Own Family Photos

Paper Blog 

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks over here at Love Gets Sweeter. Not only did I book in 2 last minute weddings for April but I’ve also been overwhelmed with the response to my search for the perfect family for my NEW AND EXCITING family video and photo idea (if you missed that, the original blog is HERE)!

Book Release: Satirical Novel from 2076 Describes America's Self-Destruction

Paper Blog 

"The History of the Decline and Fall of America, A Semi-Fictional Satire" - Book Cover
Azaria Press has released The History of the Decline and Fall of America, A Semi-Fictional Satire. Award-winning humorist Scott Erickson assumes the identity of a British historian looking back from the year 2076 to reveal how and why America fell.⏩ The book is for people who suspect America is collapsing and need validation. The message to the reader is: You're not crazy... Читать дальше...

interesting psak: releasing an aguna from Yemen

Paper Blog 

an interesting case came before the beis din in Tel Aviv of a Yemenite woman who could not get a divorce from her husband.

The story goes that this woman was forcibly married off to her husband as a child in 1993 in Yemen. The husband was a violent man and would beat her along with other violent acts against her. At some point in a complicated mission, the Jewish Agency and the security forces pulled off the complicated task of sneaking her out of Yemen with her 6 children. Initially they... Читать дальше...

Book Review: Jerusalem Drawn and Quartered

Paper Blog 

A Guest Post by Dr Harold Goldmeier

Before diving into Jerusalem Drawn and Quartered by Sarah Tuttle-Singer (Skyhorse Publishing, due May 8, 2018), I wondered, what more might be said about Jerusalem that hasn’t been presented over centuries?
Moreover, how is Tuttle-Singer, with a reputation as a social media virtuoso, in a position to write a meaningful book of polemology that practically defines Jerusalem? Can this lurching work in progress I know from her posts on social media ...

new chumra: bought from a goy after Pesach

Paper Blog 

I was in the supermarket the other and spotted this sticker on some items. I had never before seen such a sticker that I can remember...

It says the item was purchased from a goy after Pesach 5778.

We've gotten used to stickers saying it is made from flour ground after Pesach. This is an interesting new sticker. Things generally would be covered by the hechsher or by the ...

Who’s Jenna…? (2018)

Paper Blog 

Director: Thomas Baldinger

Writer: Thomas Baldinger (Screenplay)

Starring: Tracey Birdsall, Bill Sorvino, Joseph D’Onofrio, Vincent Pastore, Garry Pastore, Precious Pia

Plot: When Jonathan Burke, a financial advisor, starts dating Jenna Casey, an aspiring lawyer, Johnathan’s best friend Andy Romeo is convinced she looks exactly like a famous adult film star. Not only does Johnathan have to deal with his friends claim but he also has to juggle his relationship with his boss... Читать дальше...

Caffeine And Its Effects On The Body

Paper Blog 

Majority of us consume caffeine every day in one form or another. In some parts of the world, people prefer tea while others prefer coffee. But everybody needs their caffeine ‘fix’ on a daily basis. Currently, Caffeine is being widely touted as the latest weapon in the everlasting war against obesity. From supplements, patches and drinks caffeine is widely touted as a miracle ingredient for many types! Claimed to be useful in the fight against weight loss. Bodybuilding supplements are widely using it because it improves energy levels. Читать дальше...

Disappearing and Reappearing

Paper Blog 

Oh, this poor little post.

I’ve sat down to write this maybe 10, maybe 20 times? Never got past the first sentence.

I haven’t posted anything, really, on my site since the beginning of February. Before that, I had couple posts in three or four months. I’d love to say I’ve been busy with my job, or traveling, or a new hobby – but the reality is none of that is true.

What has been happening, though, is I’ve been struggling with my health.

Since arriving in Japan, I haven’t... Читать дальше...

Borrego Desert Vibes

Paper Blog 

It's chilly here in Southern California again todayso it has me missing the enchanting town of
Borrego Springs

'A sweet little town, surrounded by desert'
Located about three hours from Los Angeles
or 1 1/2  hours south of Palm SpringsBorrego Springs  feels a world away!

We stay at a sweet little property
The Palms ...

Historic No-Oxygen Climbing Team Returns to Nepal 40 Years Later

Paper Blog 

While the teams up in Everest Base Camp and on other mountains in the Himalaya continue to get settled in for the climbing season ahead, an historic reunion was taking place in Kathmandu. That's where the surviving members of the first team to summit Everest without the use of bottled oxygen joined one another to celebrate their achievement 40 years after they changed the paradigms of mountaineering forever.

The expedition ...

Affordance Maps and the Geometry of Solution Spaces

Paper Blog 

I study throwing for two basic reasons. One, it is intrinsically fascinating and I want to know how it works. Second, it's become a rich domain in which to study affordances, and it is really forcing me to engage in great detail with the specifics of what these are.

My approach to affordances is that they are dynamical properties of tasks, which means that in order to study them, I need to be able to characterise my task dynamics in great detail. I developed an analysis (Wilson et al, 2016) to do this... Читать дальше...

Best Chinese Smart phones from China

Paper Blog 

Chinese brands are making headways in the smartphone industry, and their products are fast becoming global goods. While in the past, most Chinese smartphones were badly crafted clones, with very unreliable software. Chinese smartphones today are quite desirable and are holding their own against more established Western products.

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Музыкальные новости

Певица Ольга Бузова прошла плановый осмотр в больнице

Персональные новости
Анфиса Чехова

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

Pecha Kucha Night – My love affair with numismatics

Paper Blog 

The Opalka Gallery at the local Sage College has a great event called “Pecha Kucha Night;” they’re held all the world. A bunch of presenters each shows and talks about 20 slides, each shown for exactly 20 seconds. I did one recently. It was quite a challenge to time my verbiage so that it matched up with the slides. Here’s my presentation:

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Hair Dye Hacks You Need To Know About

Paper Blog 

Everyone wants to dye hairs and most of the people have done it but there are only few people not regretting the hair color. There are few tips which you should always follow to color your hairs professionally. These tips can really prove extremely beneficial for your hair coloring desires. These tips are money saving and at the same time they are also time saving and will help you to color your hairs properly.

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Paper Blog 

Sherborne Wedding Photographer

As a Sherborne Wedding Photographer capturing Eleanor & Stephens simple ceremony and drinks reception, the 3 hr coverage passed by in no time at all! The day that I had to capture was short and sweet.  A party was planned for the following weekend, something I wasn’t available to capture.

The historic town of Sherborne, mid week and the allure of a simple wedding ceremony.  No bridal preparations or formalities such a speeches and other expectations. Читать дальше...

How Does Social Media Affect Every Generation?

Paper Blog 

So how much time do you spend on social media every day? How many times have you been distracted from an important meeting because you wanted to take a quick minute to check a message pop-up on your...

[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]

Спорт в России и мире

Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Виктория Азаренко

Азаренко не смогла пробиться в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде, уступив Соррибес-Тормо


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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Мария Захарова раскритиковала высказывание Нэнси Пелоси о Путине и протестах в США

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Сотрудники Росгвардии Московской области написали «Диктант Победы»


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