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how many killed?

Paper Blog 

what do you think of this calculation and logic?

I have done some research on the true numbers in Gaza.

Originally, the Hamas run Gaza Health Ministry published that 32,000 Gazan Palestinians had been killed by Israeli forces. Of these, they claimed that 78% were women and children, and none were combatants or members of… pic.twitter.com/P4Imd0nkM4

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Floorplan Optimization for Your Gift Shop: Maximizing Space and Profitability

Paper Blog 

As a gift shop owner, I know firsthand the importance of an effective floor plan for maximizing space and profitability. A strategic floor plan may boost customer satisfaction, boost revenue, and boost productivity. In this article, I'll share my personal experience of owning and optimizing a gift shop's floor plan, as well as provide valuable insights and tips on how to register your business, the essential resources startups need, and how to design, implement, and test your gift shop's floor plan. Читать дальше...

Weird Physics

Paper Blog 

I’m writing this in the week that we lost Professor Peter Higgs who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2013 for discovering the Higgs Boson (The God Particle). I wrote about this in a blog a few months ago. Here is the link: God
That, in itself, is weird but it gave me the idea to have a brief look at some other aspects of physics that are even weirder but I decided that I would miss out gravity, time dilation and Quantum Entanglement to concentrate on the following and I have to thank Daisy Dobrijevic... Читать дальше...

Advocates in Action: The Role of an Asheboro Car Accident Lawyer

Paper Blog 

In Asheboro, North Carolina, car accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, leaving individuals grappling with injuries, financial burdens, and legal complexities. Amidst the chaos, Asheboro car accident lawyers stand as beacons of hope, offering expert guidance, steadfast advocacy, and unwavering support to those in need. Let's take a closer look at the role of an Asheboro car accident lawyer and how they navigate the legal landscape to ensure justice prevails for their clients.

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R.I.P. Whitey Herzog

Paper Blog 

Whitey Herzog, 1987 (John Mena / Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license)

Dorrel Norman Elvert “Whitey” Herzog was born on November 9, 1931 in New Athens, Illinois. As a left-handed outfielder, he was originally signed by the New York Yankees, but was traded to the Washington Senators in 1956 and went on to make his major league debut with the Senators in April of that year. As a player, Herzog played for the Senators (1956-1958), the Kansas City Athletics (1958-1960), the Baltimore Orioles (1961-1962)... Читать дальше...

Gear Up for Adventure: Little Kitty, Big City Launches on Xbox Game Pass!

Paper Blog 

May’s Exciting Xbox Game Pass Lineup: Little Kitty, Big City Takes the Lead Xbox Game Pass is set to enhance its lineup with the introduction of Little Kitty, Big City on May 9. This addition, confirmed during the recent Nintendo Indie World showcase, marks a unique approach as the game will debut on Game Pass the same day it launches. While Xbox usually handles such announcements internally...

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Tweet of the Day

Paper Blog 

If you wonder why Israel hasn't hit Iran yet, remember that Purim is approaching.

This is when the Jews celebrate their escape from alleged persecution by the PERSIAN King Haman, and their bloody revenge.

Purim this year is 22-30 April, so that gives us the most likely date… pic.twitter.com/au5CcSIcSa

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increasing awareness

Paper Blog 

Rachel Goldberg-Polin was included in Time Magazine's list of 100 most influential people of 2024.

Hopefully it will increase awareness even more and help bring her son Hersh home from his captivity, being held by by Hamas in Gaza since October 7, 2023.

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Picture of the Day

Paper Blog 

A storm or other severe weather in the Iranian island of Hormuz caused the Hormuz River to turn blood red.
This is pretty cool happening right as Pesach begins, and just after the Iranians shot rockets and drones at Israel. They should take it as a warning...
Not to be a killjoy but this seems to happen not too infrequently. The beach there is called Red Beach because of the red soil and sand. the sand/soil washed into the river because of the storm, turning ...

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