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Новости за 02.05.2018

The key local elections battlegrounds that will decide Theresa May's fate


REUTERS/Peter Nicholls

  • Theresa May faces a major test of her leadership as English voters prepare to go to the polls in the local elections.
  • Some commentators predict a wipeout for the Conservatives, while others suggest the antisemitism scandal will cost Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party at the ballot box.
  • Labour hopes to make major gains in London, while the Tories fear losses in Remain-supporting parts of the country.
  • Here are the key battlegrounds that could decide May's future as prime minister. Читать дальше...

Preet Bharara: Rod Rosenstein's 'dramatic and defiant' response to a threat of impeachment was 'long overdue'


AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

  • Former US attorney Preet Bharara applauded Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for his response to reports that some members of the House Freedom Caucus were moving to seek his impeachment as a last resort to hamstring the Russia investigation.
  • Rosenstein slapped down that threat on Tuesday during a discussion with reporters, saying "The Department of Justice is not going to be extorted."
  • The deputy attorney general oversees the Russia probe being led by special counsel Robert Mueller.

„Unverantwortlich“: Finanzminister Scholz will Investitionen des Bundes zurückfahren


Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) will öffentliche Investitionen von 37,9 Milliarden Euro 2019 auf 33,5 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2022 drosseln — trotz anhaltend hoher Steuereinnahmen und kräftigen Wirtschaftswachstums. Das berichtet die „SZ“ und beruft sich auf einen Regierungsentwurf zur Finanzplanung, den Scholz heute im Bundeskabinett präsentieren wolle.

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The leaders of France and Australia just took aim at China with pointed comments about following the rule of law


  • Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and French President Emmanuel Macron together warned China to follow the rule of law in the Asia Pacific.
  • France is the only European country with direct territorial links to the Pacific region, which plays an important role in the country's defense building.
  • Australia has been closely monitoring China's growing influence in the region, with ties between the two countries becoming strained. 

Australian Prime... Читать дальше...

Snapchat-Umgestaltung hilft nicht — Aktie bricht nach Quartalszahlen ein


Die Neugestaltung der Foto-App Snapchat, die das schwächelnde Wachstum wieder ankurbeln sollte, hat versagt. In den vergangenen drei Monaten kamen nur vier Millionen täglich aktive Nutzer hinzu. Analysten hatten eher mit sieben Millionen gerechnet. Der Chef der Entwicklerfirma Snap, Evan Spiegel, machte für die Probleme die Umgestaltung verantwortlich — sieht aber „Zeichen einer Stabilisierung“ zumindest bei der iPhone-App. Snap hatte zum Quartalsende 191 Millionen täglich aktive Nutzer.

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VW-Betriebsratschef Osterloh fordert Streichungen im Entwicklungsetat


VW-Betriebsratschef Bernd Osterloh sind bei dem Autobauer Parallelarbeiten besonders im Entwicklungsbereich ein Dorn im Auge. „In dem Konzern mit seinen zwölf Marken müssen wir die Synergien besser heben“, sagte Osterloh dem „Handelsblatt“ (Mittwoch). Im Blick hat er vor allem die Entwicklungsabteilungen der einzelnen Marken, die parallel an neuen Verbrennermotoren und der Batterietechnologie arbeiten. „Wir entwickeln zu oft dort doppelt und dreifach, wo es nicht nötig ist“, sagte der 61-Jährige... Читать дальше...

French President Macron called Australian Prime Minister's wife 'delicious' during a speech


Mick Tsikas/AP

  • French President Emmanuel Macron gave thanks to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a speech on Wednesday.
  • Macron appeared to call Lucy Turnbull, the prime minister's wife, "delicious."
  • People on social media took notice of the comment.

When French President Emmanuel Macron gave thanks to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a speech on Wednesday, some considered his sentiment a little too generous.

... Читать дальше...

Facebook-Chef Mark Zuckerberg geht in die Offensive: „Wir werden weiterbauen“


Was macht man als weltgrößtes Online-Netzwerk, wenn alle Welt einem vorwirft, zu viele Daten zu sammeln und zu mächtig geworden zu sein? Facebooks Antwort: Man rückt noch tiefer in den sensibelsten Bereich menschlicher Beziehungen vor — und sammelt nebenbei noch mehr Daten. Der gerade angekündigte Einstieg der Firma ins Geschäft mit der Partnersuche ist mehr als nur eine neue Funktion. Gründer und Chef Mark Zuckerberg setzt damit ein symbolisches Zeichen: Facebook mag nach dem Datenskandal einiges geändert haben... Читать дальше...

Von wegen Krise: Apple schüttet nach erfolgreichen Zahlen weitere Milliarden aus


Die US-Steuerreform bringt Apple-Aktionären einen Geldregen: Der iPhone-Konzern schüttet über einen Aktienrückkauf weitere 100 Milliarden Dollar (82,6 Milliarden Euro) aus. Zugleich blieb das von einigen Analysten erwartete Absacken der iPhone-Verkäufe im vergangenen Quartal aus. Das teure iPhone X war dabei das bestverkaufte Apple-Telefon. Das brachte Apple einen Quartalsgewinn von 13,8 Milliarden Dollar ein, nach gut 11 Milliarden im Vorjahresquartal.

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These figures reveal a big secret behind the success of Qantas as it heads for a record profit


Jeff Daly/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

  • In an environment of rising bond yields, Qantas benefits from its negative working capital position.
  • The company is able to tap unique funding sources, such as up-front payments by banks for its Frequent Flyer program.
  • Qantas’ negative working capital position is by far the highest among ASX200 companies.

Qantas issued guidance this morning for a record full-year profit of between $1.55 billion and $1.60 billion... Читать дальше...

Former federal prosecutor says one of Trump's few options in the face of a grand-jury subpoena from Mueller could come at a hefty political cost


Thomson Reuters

  • Special counsel Robert Mueller threatened President Donald Trump's legal team with a subpoena, if Trump refused to sit for an interview with federal prosecutors.
  • Legal experts suggest that Trump's only option in that scenario would be to plead the Fifth Amendment.

News of special counsel Robert Mueller's threat issue a grand-jury subpoena to President Donald Trump if he refuses to testify to Mueller under oath has prompted some speculation... Читать дальше...

'This week is our week:' Israel made its Iran heist public to challenge Trump's talks with European leaders


  • Israel is urgently trying to convince President Donald Trump to not withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal after he met with two European leaders last week.
  • French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with the President on two separate occasions last week.
  • A senior Israeli official reportedly said, "Last week was for the Europeans, and this week is our week" for convincing Trump.
  • Trump has threatened to pull the US from the 2015 Iran deal... Читать дальше...

This device will be the next smartphone



The smartphone is an essential part of our everyday lives.

But as with all technology, things change. So the question becomes: What will be the next smartphone?See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • Snapchat is rolling out a few updates before its Q1 earnings call
  • Twitter reaches profitability for second straight quarter with Q1 earnings
  • Roku is adding a bunch of free news

One chilling story shows how far China will go to silence critics


Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

  • China's influence operations in Australia are growing and gaining more attention.
  • A migrant agent who advertises in an independent Chinese-language newspaper had officers from the country's security agency camp in his Beijing office for two weeks, harassing him to end his advertising, which he did.
  • Other advertisers in Australia have been called into Chinese consulates to have hourslong 'tea chats' in efforts to cut funding for criticalindependent media. Читать дальше...

Fintech could be bigger than ATMs, PayPal, and Bitcoin combined



This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Fintech broke onto the scene as a disruptive force following the 2008 crisis, but the industry's influence on the broader financial services system is changing. 

The fintech industry no longer stands clearly apart from financial services proper, and is increasingly growing embedded in mainstream finance. Читать дальше...

THE EVOLUTION OF ROBO-ADVISING REPORT: How automated investment products are disrupting and enhancing the wealth management industry


BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Startups with robo-advisor products are failing to live up to their initial promise.

As solutions proliferate and consumer adoption remains slower than expected, many firms are re-examining and updating their strategies to survive.  See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See... Читать дальше...

Mueller threatened to subpoena Trump if he refuses to talk to the special counsel under oath


AP Photo/Evan Vucci

  • Special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly threatened President Donald Trump and his legal team that he could subpoena Trump if he refuses to testify under oath in the Russia investigation.
  • The alleged threat came as Trump's legal team and the special counsel's office were negotiating terms of a one-on-one interview with the president, which, at the time, Trump said he did not want to grant.
  • The development sheds new light on the internal wrangling... Читать дальше...

NBA Hall of Famer Grant Hill explained why he likes the playoffs schedule that many think is too long


Todd Kirkland/AP

  • While many people believe the NBA playoffs are too long, Hall of Famer and Turner Sports NBA analyst Grant Hill thinks the format is just right.
  • Hill told Business Insider that from the end of March to mid-July, the NBA dominates the sports news cycle because of the playoffs, draft, free agency, and Summer League.
  • With NBA playoffs TV ratings doing well, a stocked draft class, and big-name free agency class, the NBA likely agrees with Hill and has no incentive to change the model. Читать дальше...

Pictures show Paris erupting during May Day rally, with protesters torching a McDonald's



A group of masked anarchists dressed mostly in black clothing hijacked a May Day rally in Paris on Tuesday, torching a vehicle, a McDonald's, looting stores, and throwing cobble stones at riot police, according to Reuters. 

About 1,200 protesters from the far-left anarchist groups known as Black Blocs took over the rally, which was organized by labor unions protesting President Emmanuel Macron's economic reforms, Reuters reported. 

Macron has been trying to cut jobs and retirement benefits in the public sector... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Сергей Арутюнов

Звездная встреча: Дольф Лундгрен и Сергей АРУТЮНОВ зажгли вместе в Казахстане. И при чём тут фрикадельки из IKEA?...

Персональные новости

"Святой Ленин": сенсационная истина о прогнозах способна направить США и Европу творить добро?!

The Fed's favorite inflation gauges are spiking ahead of their May meeting


REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

  • Core PCE price index jumped by 1.9% from a year ago
  • The ISM Chicago Business Barometer reported that the indicator for input prices paid by companies surged 22.8% compared to a year ago
  • This is the kind of data the Fed looks for to justify further rate hikes.

Consumer spending on goods and services – which includes anything from toys to rent and which accounts for over two-thirds of GDP – rose by 4.4% in March from a year ago... Читать дальше...

AI IN E-COMMERCE: How artificial intelligence can help retailers deliver the highly personalized experiences shoppers desire


BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

One of retailers' top priorities is to figure out how to gain an edge over Amazon. To do this, many retailers are attempting to differentiate themselves by creating highly curated experiences that combine the personal feel of in-store shopping with the convenience of online portals. See... Читать дальше...

In stunning reversal, Trump's personal doctor says Trump dictated a letter declaring he was in 'astonishingly excellent' health during the 2016 election


Screenshot via NBC News

  • President Donald Trump's longtime personal doctor, Harold Bornstein, says that Trump himself dictated a letter declaring a clean bill of health for Trump in 2015.
  • "He dictated that whole letter," Bornstein said, referring to Trump. "I didn't write that letter."
  • The letter said that if Trump was elected president, he "will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."
  • Bornstein's admissions come shortly after he alleged... Читать дальше...

Here's what has to happen in order for there to be electric planes



  • Electric planes come with several problems that would need fixing before they become part of mainstream travel and transportation.
  • Boeing, along with JetBlue, is financially backing a hybrid 12-seater developed by a start-up.
  • If momentum is any indicator, electric planes should become big at some point in the next few decades.

The idea of quiet, low-carbon air travel is a logical extension of the electric vehicle race that has now also reached maritime travel in electric ferries. Читать дальше...

BEYOND BITCOIN: How financial institutions are applying distributed ledger technologies to new use cases for ground-up business transformation


BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Of the many technologies reshaping the world economy, distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) are among the most hyped. DLTs are most often associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but such coverage sidelines the broader use cases of DLTs, even though they stand to make a far bigger... Читать дальше...

Snapchat users hate the redesign so much, it could have turned away millions of users (SNAP)



  • The number of Daily Active Users of Snap's Snapchat app was up only 2% in the first quarter from the fourth quarter.
  • That's a much slower growth rate than Snap posted in the fourth quarter. If its growth had continued, it would have added 9 million users, instead of the 4 million that it did. 
  • Snap places much of the blame for the slowdown on the controversial Snapchat app redesign that launched earlier this year. Now, the company promises tweaks to the design are coming. Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

4 спортивных фестиваля Москвы, которые нельзя пропустить этим летом


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Ролан Гаррос

Испанец Карлос Алькарас выиграл Открытый чемпионат Франции по теннису


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Ученый РАН: вероятность возникновения торнадо в Подмосковье выше, чем в Москве

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Порты ждут от РЖД расширения. Мост на Сахалин нужен не всем. ТЖД сомкнётся к концу года. Пульс ж/д за неделю в зеркале прессы

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